While they usually will go away on their own and don’t really negatively affect you, few skin conditions are more unsightly than a wart. These little guys are extremely common and can seemingly sprout up anywhere on the body. If you have one, here are three things you can do to get rid of them quickly.
1. Salicylic acid

(source: howtogetridofwartsqa.com)
This is among the most common treatment for warts and is normally enough for most people to get rid of warts. While the word acid must scare you off, but it won’t really hurt, may just sting a bit. This can be applied directly to skin or on a patch that you would bandage over the wart. This acid works by peeling the skin away, which will eventually peel away the wart as well
2. Freezing

(source: noskinproblems.com)
If you have warts that just won’t seem to go away, using cryotherapy/freezing is likely a good last bet. These can be extremely effective and can sometimes get rid of the wart in a single treatment. You can get this done at the doctors (which is normally more powerful and will require less treatments), but you can also purchase some OTC cryotherapy treatments, but those likely won’t be quite as potent, but should still get the job done.
3. Duct Tape

(source: futurederm.com)
This one may surprise some people, but this is actually an extremely viable way to get rid of warts. In fact, certain studies have actually shown that this was the most effective treatment out there for warts. Applying the tape for a few days and then removing the tape and buffing/soaking the wart will help get rid of it. The way that this works is the tape causes a local inflammatory reaction that reacts with the immune system to clear the wart.