If your life runs at 100 miles an hour, it’s easy to let your health get away from you. Battling long hours, busy projects and intense meetings can mean that when you get home, convenience is the first port of call. And while convenience food has been created in order to make our lives that bit much easier, it lacks the essential vitamins and nutrients you need in order to function at your best. Been eating conveniently for too long? These symptoms could be a tell tale sign that you’re lacking essential vitamins. It’s time to tackle the issue head on and make the most out of your health.
- Your Ache For No Obvious Reason

(source: mirror.co.uk)
If you’ve been sleeping normally and stretching after exercising and still ache, it could be a sign that you’re lacking something essential in your body. Aching muscles reveals a lack of vitamin D in your diet and if the situation continues, you could begin to develop problems with your teeth, bones and body. If you can’t get your fill of sunlight, you can try eating more dairy products or fatty fish to top up your vitamins. You shouldn’t have to ache everyday.
- Your Reflexes Have Slowed Down

(source: gpsprinting.com)
Not feeling as sharp recently? It could be more than just tiredness affecting your ability to react. Slow reflexes are often an indicator that you’re not getting enough vitamin E in your diet. Essential for nerve health, vitamin E helps with the communication between your brain and nerves, control the efficiency of your muscle function and reflexes. To avoid this issue, try upping your consumption of avocados, nuts, eggs and seeds. You’ll be feeling right as rain in no time at all!
- Your Injuries Take Longer To Heal

(source: stockarch.com)
Hurting yourself from time to time is all part and parcel of everyday life but if your wounds are taking longer to heal than usual, you could be missing an essential vitamin in your diet. Not getting enough vitamin C slows down your recovery process after being injured and in order to reproduce themselves effectively, skin cells need sufficient stores of the vitamin. To boost your immune system and get back on the road to recovery, try eating more citrus fruits and leafy green vegetables. You might still fall down but it won’t take you nearly as long to get back up again.