3 Ways to Easily Manage Hunger
Diet December 20, 2023 Kale Havervold

Being hungry can simply put a damper on your mood, no matter how happy you are. And with today’s busy jobs and lifestyles it is almost a foregone conclusion that you will be quite hungry at some point most days. If you are one of those people that can’t stand being hungry for even a second, use these three tips of successfully try manage your hunger.
1. Have Snacks Handy

(source: entrepreneur.com)
You know those people who always seem to have a granola bar or piece of fruit at their desk at the exact moment your hunger hits? You can become one of them. Preparation is extremely key in managing hunger throughout the day. By having a snack with you at all times, you will be prepared to deal with that mid-afternoon hunger pangs we all get at work. You should make sure you are eating quality and healthy foods for this snack too, if possible.
2. Eat Slower and Have Smaller Meals More Often

(source: http://www.studyabroadcorner.com/)
Not only is eating quickly a good way to get sick, you may not be getting the most out of your food. It can sometimes take the brain 20 minutes or so to tell your body that you are “comfortable” and can stop eating. This will prevent you from overeating and will help you be able to save some food for later when you inevitably get hungry. And by eating smaller meals more often, you will be taking in about the same amount of food but will be spreading it out over time which will limit the time that your body will feel hungry.
3. Eat Foods That Can Help Control Your Appetite

(source: hellodoctor.co.za)
Believe it or not, there are actually various foods out there that can help control your appetite and make you feel fuller throughout the day. That’s right, eating certain foods can actually send a signal to your brain that you’re done eating, which will obviously help to slow down your appetite. Some of these foods are apples, avocados, soup, lentils and more.