4 Ways to Become More Mentally Strong
LifestyleWellness December 30, 2023 Kale Havervold

In our busy and stressful lives, it can be easy to crumble under the pressure and run and hide. But those people that are able to preserve and get past it are able to live a happier and more successful life most of the time. The great thing is that anyone can become mentally strong if they work at it, and these four ways will help you achieve the goal of being mentally stronger.
1. Take Things One at a Time

(source: jungleoflife.com)
If you want to be able to be in a better mental state, it is important not to burn yourself out or overwork yourself. If you take life one problem or thing at a time, this will greatly increase your chances of being mentally tough. If you are constantly bombarded with things to handle (and try handle them all at once), it will break you down and make it tough to be strong mentally. Prioritizing from most important to least important is key.
2. Don’t Take Everything Personally

(source: http://www.conflicttango.com/)
Sometimes, people simply care too much about what others think of them and take everything to heart, even when they shouldn’t. It can be difficult to break this habit if you have it, but if you are able to, it will be a big help in making you mentally tougher. See, being mentally tough isn’t about not caring what others think, but simply not letting what others think deter you from doing something you want to do. And taking things personally is rarely a good thing as it will constantly leave you worrying about things you don’t need to be worrying about.
3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

(source: andrewjprokop.wordpress.com)
They say that growth never occurs in your comfort zone, and I have to agree with that. While staying in your comfort zone all of the time is easy and low maintenance, you will have a very hard time growing or changing your mental toughness if you don’t challenge yourself on a day to day basis. Whether this be taking up a new and exciting hobby or simply doing some things you are afraid of, you will be shocked at how much you can grow from leaving your comfort zone.
4. Think Positively (But Recognize Negative Thoughts Do Happen)

(source: thebombaybugle.com)
The key here isn’t to pretend these negative thoughts don’t exist, but to limit them and not give them the time of day to affect your day. Mentally strong individuals have negative thoughts just as much as anyone else, but are just good in either using those thoughts constructively, limiting them or having measures to ensure they don’t spin out of control and ruin a moment or day. Mediations and other introspective exercises can be a huge help here in being a more positive and mentally strong individual.