Simple & Natural Ways To Soothe Your Painful Headaches
Wellness December 17, 2023 Hannah Lamarque

When a headache hits, there’s often no getting around it. While offsetting the symptoms of a headache which over the counter medication is relatively simple, it involves pumping your body full of artificial chemicals which, for many people, simply will not do. Luckily however, there is another way. If you’ve been suffering from one too many headaches recently, you can look to mother nature as a way out. With a whole range of different natural cures out there, soothing your head pain has never been more simple and now, you don’t even have to veer away from your healthy diet. Want to bust that headache? Nature’s on your side.

Perhaps the most efficient cure against the dull thud of a headache, water can help to rehydrate your body and get things back on track. When you feel the onset of head pain, then sipping on a large glass of water is often the best way in which to get rid of symptoms. Keeping your body sufficiently hydrated will help to keep internal processes running smoothly and maintain proper functioning in your brain. Headaches, be gone!
Ice Pack

If you’re feeling under the weather and your sinuses are blocked, you might find that simply sipping on a glass of water is not enough to cure your pain. Flu sufferers often experience headaches as a direct consequence of the infection and if this is the case, then using an ice pack or cold compress against the temple can be incredibly effective. Similarly, if your headache has come about as a result of stress, then lightly applying a heat pad to the affected area will help to relieve tension and relax muscles. Often, it’s all about temperature.

Helping to aid a whole set of different body woes, peppermint might just be a miracle plant and when it comes to headaches, it’s no different. A known natural soother, peppermint has been used to treat the symptoms of aches and pains for hundreds of years and can be incredibly effective. While you might like to drink your peppermint for a calming effect, you can also try applying its oil gently to your temples. The more you massage it into the affected area, the more relaxed you will feel.

When your headache turns into a migraine, natural and artificial light can exacerbate feelings of pain and discomfort. If things take a turn for the worse, then lying quietly in a darkened room can relieve feelings of tension and help your body to recover naturally. Shutting off the light, bringing down the shades and putting on sunglasses can really help to relieve feelings of pain and often, it’s best to rest in the dark until all symptoms have disappeared.

Massage isn’t just good for the body; when applied in the right way, it can work wonders on your mind, too. If you suffer from regular headaches, then regular massage might just be the answer. It has been found that, when they received six weekly massage treatments, sufferers of migraines experienced fewer pains and slept more soundly. When you feel the onset of a headache, it might just be best to slip into something a little more relaxing.