Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

The human body is outstanding and is capable of some amazing things. Things we take advantage of such as seeing, healing illness and more... I Bet You Didn’t Know Your Body Could Do These Three Amazing Things

The human body is outstanding and is capable of some amazing things. Things we take advantage of such as seeing, healing illness and more are truly outstanding and a good portion have no idea how they actually work. Now, we have knowledge of a lot of them, but there are also a lot of things it is capable of doing that you had no idea about. Here are three of them.

1. Your Digestive System Can Give You Superpowers



We’ve all heard of the stories where a mother is able to lift up a car off of her child and as it turns out, this may actually be possible. When the brain is alerted to danger or knows that its “game time”, it makes numerous changes throughout the body. Heart rate increase, pupils dilate and the digestive system is actually shut down in order to allow muscles to contract with much more force than usual

2. Your Heart Rate Can Tell the Future



While it cannot tell the future in ways you may think such as if you will win the lottery or who will win the game on Sunday, it can make some predictions. Studies have shown that a person’s heart can anticipate certain events in life without any sort of cue whatsoever. In the studies, the researchers showed subjects a series of images studied their reactions. Some images were neutral while others were supposed to excite the people. The scientists discovered a faster heart rate as much as 10 seconds before the presentation of an exciting image, what suggests that hearts can sense when something exciting is going to happen.

3. Your Achy, Creaky and Sore Joints Can Predict the Weather



While this was likely thought of by most as a myth or an old wives tale, it is actually a real thing and there is even a scientific explanation for it. According to experts, when a storm front comes in, the pressure in the atmosphere drops. This drop in pressure can notify nerve endings which then increase the fluid pressure in joints and cause more pain and discomfort.