Brain Busters: Why Puzzles Are Good For Your Mental Health
Wellness November 23, 2023 Hannah Lamarque

For so long banished to the backs of newspapers and fading magazines, crossword puzzles are slowly coming back into the limelight. Why? They might just boost your mental health. Invented more than 100 years ago, crossword puzzles are one of the most powerful ways in which to keep your brain functions on top form and, when used over a longer period of time, they can help to maintain a higher mental function. Keeping your brain both sharp and engaged, crosswords can really aid to boost your problem-solving abilities and, when performed once a week, can have hugely beneficial effects.
One of the most deadly degenerative diseases, dementia is something that hits the majority of sufferers in their older age and therefore keeping good mental functioning throughout your life is incredibly important. While puzzles in general are great for keeping your brain in shape, the layout and format of the crossword might be one of the best out there, forcing your brain to use both logic and reasoning to arrive at the correct answer.

The ways in which we interact with those around us can hugely affect our wellbeing in life and therefore, maintaining good conversational skills can aid our personal development massively. Doing a crossword puzzle everyday can have a significant impact on both your verbal skills and your ability to interact with others, helping you to solve problems much more quickly.

Mental and physical stress interfere in our daily lives in many ways and over time, can both have a detrimental effect on our happiness and health. Studies have shown that regularly solving crossword puzzles can help to realign your psychological stress and improve your ability to solve problems in the aftermath. By focusing elsewhere for a few minutes, you can shed new light on your stress.

One of the best ways in which to keep your brain functioning to its best ability is to keep it happy and crossword puzzles might just be one of the best ways in which to do this. Solving a puzzle correctly can have a significant effect on your mood and cheer you up no end. Who knew that problem solving could be so fun?