Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

5 Gym Activities That Don’t Matter That You Think Do
Any fitness fanatic who can look deep into the mirror at the eyes looking back will admit it; we’ve all done silly things in the gym. We’ve all held beliefs about what we’re doing; beliefs, that in time, we learn are not fact-based. It happens. The explanation for why is lengthy... Read more
Workout Like A Superhero With These 5 Superhero-named Exercises
The concept of super humans is nothing new. Philosophers have imagined humans with extraordinary powers since long before Marvel and DC started making graphic novels. Niche wrote about an Übermensch, an ideal human form we should aspire to attain. In case you’re wondering, it means “beyond man.” Perhaps, but... Read more
These Workout Classes Might Change Your Health Routine
If you’re going through the motions with your exercise routine, you might become disillusioned with the whole thing, and fast. When it comes to staying fit, it’s incredibly important to find something that you really love to do and that you can envisage doing for a long time. If... Read more
The Best Running Shoes For The Cold Season
If you’re a runner, changing up your shoes is an essential part of the workout. Depending on the kind of terrain you’re using and the time of year, there are any number of sneakers that can work for you and it’s up to you to change them frequently throughout... Read more
This Ab Routine Is Perfect For Beginners
Getting your abs in good shape can take a great deal of work. If you’re working out and not seeing the results that you really want, it could be worth shaking up your exercise routine and focusing on the area in question. Tailored abs workouts are your best port... Read more
To Change Your Results In The Gym Change Just One Thing 
So you’ve been working out like a metronome, more so than ever before in your life. At first, the results came with haste. People had nothing but compliments every time they saw you. Now the results and compliments have taken a pause. Maybe you’re thinking this is as good... Read more
The Best Oblique Exercises For A Super Toned Tummy
A toned tummy is something that many of us wish we had. While getting into shape can help you to shift the weight and shed the fat, you need to go a little bit further if you want to really define and strengthen up your muscles. Toning exercises are... Read more
Common Fitness Fallacies Holding You Back From Awesomeness
It takes a mature person to admit he is wrong. It takes that same kind of maturity to admit you don’t know everything. When it comes to fitness and nutrition, we’re so inundated with messaging, it seems we’re all experts. If advertisers and media outlets spent as much time... Read more
The Matrix Smartwatch Runs On Body Heat And Is (YAWN) Waterproof
Just launched on Indiegogo, Matrix Industries smartwatch could revolutionize how we power wearables forever, but first, they have to get them on a few wrists. All in good time, but time being the operating word, if Matrix Industries is successful, we will have enough of it to last forever.... Read more
Using The My Virtual Mission App You Can Run The Entire Globe
The recently awarded My Virtual Mission app is surging in popularity, and with good reason. Your normal gym time, which can be boring, suddenly has a goal, stretched out across the world. You have to log the calories to complete your virtual missions, but you don’t have to log... Read more
ActoFit Fitness Wearable Knows Everything About Your Lift 
It knows when you are sleeping, it knows when you’re awake, it even knows if you’ve been bad or good. If Santa Claus created a fitness wearable, it would be Actofit. The Actofit wearable is crowdfunding on Indiegogo right now. If you fear this is just another tracker to... Read more
Rebound Fitness Is Bouncing Into Trampoline Parks Around The Globe
There’s a little-known trend making its way up the ranks of fitness. Actually, it’s been around since the 90’s but hasn’t stopped growing since those early outfits. Bounce or rebound fitness employs the use of large trampolines covering the floor and walls of a room, like some kind of... Read more
These 3 Wearables Will Improve Your Tennis Game Finally
The world is not shy in the tennis technology department. There’s tons of it. Most of what you find attaches to your racket or uses special cameras to capture your movement. The former is not a true wearable since it goes on your racket, the latter is an expensive... Read more
5 Of The Best Moves To Tone Up Your Butt
Want to really kick your body into shape? It’s time to shape up your backside! Strength building and toning exercises can work wonders on the muscle, helping to get rid of any excess fat and shape up your body in one fell swoop. These easy exercises can be incorporated... Read more
Step Aside Nike; Powerlace’s P-Ones Lace Themselves Too
Can we just call technology what it is? We’re lazy creatures, not sloth lazy, but we invent things so we can work less. That is not the premise of Powerlace’s self-lacing shoes. They lobby we’ve not updated the shoe in decades. For the most part, this... Read more
4 Corner Stones: Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Results 
One of the best pieces of fitness advice I’ve acquired in the last few years was from movement specialist, Ido Portal. It was a couple of years ago on a podcast called London Real when Portal advised listeners to find a dogma. The term dogma may bend your ear... Read more
Toning Exercises For A Workout On The Fly
Losing weight is hardly a walk in the park. Getting your fitness on everyday can seem like the only way to shed the pounds and if you’re not seeing the results, it can soon become disheartening. Pounding the pavement isn’t the only way to go. Strength building moves are... Read more
These Yoga Exercises Can Banish Your Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is something that you should take seriously. The state of your back plays a significant role in your general health and wellbeing as you age. While lower back pains might come and go, there are exercises that you can undertake in order to get rid of... Read more
How To Build Your Muscles Without Equipment
Thought that the only way to build up your muscles was to hit the gym? Think again! Bodyweight based exercises are some of the most effective out there, helping you to build your muscles without giving yourself a strain. Practicing any number of simple exercises at home can help... Read more
The 6 Missing Parts of Your Workout Plan
There are many places where a plan can fall apart. From the plan itself to the execution of that plan, we’re not all the most skilled doers. Planning isn’t something with which you are born. Someone has to teach you. This is why many people choose to hire a... Read more