Simply put, canker sores are no fun at all. A different kind of problem to cold sores, canker sores are open wounds that form around the soft tissues of the mouth, around the gums, lips and tongue. Typically white and round in appearance, canker sores can cause a whole lot of pain, making it difficult for you to go about your daily business. While the sores can take between one and two weeks to heal on their own, there are ways that you can make the healing process a lot less painful. These natural remedies will cut down the pain of your mouth sore, making it all the easier for you to get back on your feet again.
- Avoid Sugar and Citrus

(source: mycooku.com)
When you’re dealing with canker sores, citrus and sugar are your worst enemy. Avoiding this kind of food can really be in your best interests as the acids can exacerbate inflammation in the wound. The more acids you take in through these kinds of foods, the longer the healing process will be and the more pain you will experience. Sugar is turned into acid in your mouth, prolonging the effects of canker sores and giving you a great deal of pain.
- Switch Up Your Toothpaste

(source: gizmodo.com)
Feeling the pain when you brush your teeth? It could be time to switch up your toothpaste for something different. Health experts recommend cutting out toothpastes and mouthwashes with sodium lauryl sulfate if you’re prone to canker sores as the foaming agent may be a trigger. While changing your dental products might not be the be all and end all cure, it can help to cut down on the irritation, making it easier for your canker sore to heal.
- Gargle With Salt Water

(source: saltsistersonline.com)
When you’ve got a mouth issue, salt water is one of the best cures that you can use. Salt is naturally cleaning and antiseptic, dehydrating the sore to help it heal more rapidly. While swilling your mouth out with this kind of solution will be painful at first, it will soon make all the difference. Doing this once a day can speed up the healing process and have you back to normal in no time.
- Swill Out With Baking Soda

(source: davidwolfe.com)
An alternative to the salt water treatment, baking soda can work just as well on canker sores. Naturally alkaline, baking soda will help to neutralize the acids that have built up in the mouth, making it easier for your body to cure your sore. Dilute a teaspoon of baking powder in a glass of water and swill out for a few minutes several times a day. Doing so can really make a difference.
- Dab With Milk Of Magnesia

(source: 1mhealthtips.com)
While milk of magnesia might be more commonly used for treating heartburn, it can also be applied as an effective treatment against nasty canker sores. Naturally alkaline, the product can also be applied to the affected area in order to reduce levels of acidity. The milk of magnesia will form a loose film over the sore, helping to protect it against any irritants that you might come into contact with. You can use it as a rinse or directly apply it onto the wound with a Q-tip.