Finally, a Wearable That Prevents Skin Cancer and Takes Selfies
Skin & HairTech March 23, 2024 Damon Mitchell

Pretty soon there’s going to be a wearable for everything. I’m not saying there will be a single wearable for each facet of our lives, but one tool that does everything.
Until then, you only have one more tracker to wear if you want help avoiding skin cancer. Oh sure, you could just slather on sunscreen every day, but where’s the fun in that?
Unassuming, but effective and not technically a wearable since it’s not worn. This device goes inside the user’s pocket, connected to his keyring.
The SolTrackr does four things, one of which nobody else does yet, which is tell you when to get out of the sun or put on more sunscreen. It will also keep track of your stress levels, help you not lose your keys and make selfies a cinch… because you needed that.
Measures Sun’s UV Radiation
The SolTracker isn’t trying to take away your sun time. It wants to regulate your vitamin D intake, keeping you see from too much exposure.
While at first, maybe it seems silly, it only takes a minute to consider the number of times one has suffered a sunburn. What if a simple device reminding you to get out of the sun or apply sunscreen would have been all that was necessary to avoid that pain?
Think of it like taking your mother around with you in your pocket, without all the nagging about doing your chores.
Measures Your Stress Levels
Using a combination of data, heart rate variability, resting heart rate, combined with blood oxygen levels, the SolTracker will make recommendations about your activities.
It may suggest you take some time to slow down, meditate or do some yoga. You may not have even realized you were getting all keyed-up.
If stress is the number one contributor to death, then the SolTracker could be the wearable that lengthens your time on this planet.
Helps You Find Your Keys
One day in the future, all doors will open automatically by detecting your bio-signature. Won’t that be nice? Until then, you have to carry keys.
The more responsibilities in your life, the heavier your keyring. Losing those keys is the fastest way to raise those stress levels previously mentioned.
With the SolTrackr, lost keys are no problem. The device attaches to your keys. Locate your device, using your smartphone, then you’ll locate your keys.

Give You a Remote Shutter for Selfies
Ditch that cumbersome selfie stick. Since the SolTracker already connects wirelessly to your smartphone, it only made sense that they put something in there to allow you take selfies remotely.
You set up the shot, aim your camera, then get in position. When you’re at full-cheese, click the SolTracker for perfectly framed selfies.
From our perspective, this “wearable” will probably either gain some features in version two or be incorporated into another device. Most users would probably be happy to relinquish the key locator and selfie remote feature to bolt this technology onto already existing wearable formats; wrist band, earphones, ring, or right into our clothes.
When it happens, we’ll talk about it on Body Hacks. Stay tuned.
Want to see more? Check out the product video: