Finis Swimsense May Be Too Little Too Late
NewsTech January 1, 2025 Damon Mitchell
Swimsense, by Finis, is their upgraded swimming wearable. The new tracker is an upgrade on their previous, less aerodynamic device. While it is waterproof, specifically designed for swimmers, it may not be enough to stay competitive.
To read about fitness trackers just for swimming, check out 9 Legit Fitness Trackers For Swimmers.
The swimming fitness tracker landscape hasn’t been empty, but Swimsense still hopes to fill a need for swimmers. It’s not what Swimsense can do that will hurt it, but what it cannot.
The swim tracker landscape
The first device from Finis came out before there was the Fitbit Flex 2, the Apple Watch Series 2. Before those two, Misfit, Moov, even Polar and Garmin made competitive trackers for swimmers. There were about a dozen options prior to this news.
Still, we need every possible option, plus nobody really nailed it yet, right? It’s not enough that a tracker is waterproof. It needs to track the right things in the water.
If it can’t count laps, measure distance, and give the user fitness data that’s relevant, then it may as well be a tracker stuffed in a waterproof bag, tied to your arm.
The most recent entries, the Apple and Fitbit trackers offer totally different user experiences. Apple’s slick new Watch is not officially for sale, but soon. It’s their first waterproof design. You can swim with it.
It will track your efforts, not just ride along, but you are gonna pay top dollar for that premium smartwatch. The Fitbit is way cheaper, but goes deeper, farther. It even goes into the ocean.
What Swimsense can do
Whereas the Flex 2 offers no real time data, the Swimsense has a high contrast OLED display. It will give you up to five stats at one time.
The device gives you stroke-specific data, which is huge for swimmers. It tells you not just how fast you can bang out laps, but analyzes your technique too.
Because it’s Bluetooth enabled, you can dig deeper into your data whenever you want by looking at your smartphone. You can also swim for a long time, seven hours on one charge.
While it won’t make the most stylish watch you own, it will tell you date and time. It will also work on your iOs or Android device. The companion software is available for your desktop too.
What Swimsense cannot do
Don’t plan to use your Swimsense for triathlon training. It won’t measure your heart rate, track your GPS data or any other land-relevant info.
It measures calories burned, but it’s not clear from their site if this will work on land as it does in the water.
In fact, despite scouring their site we had a lot of questions about this device. There is no FAQ. Navigation if their site was wonky too.
For $179.99, we’ rather save $40 and buy the Garmin Swim. It comes with more features, works as a watch out of the pool. It’s also more attractive.
The Swimsense is a thick device for 2016. We think dedicated swimmers will spend more for a device that does more. Less avid swimmers will go with the Flex 2.