Body Hacks

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Getting into shape is all about eating the right kinds of things but if you’re battling a serious case of hunger, then sticking to... Forever Feeling Hungry? This Could Be Why

Getting into shape is all about eating the right kinds of things but if you’re battling a serious case of hunger, then sticking to a diet can be easier said than done. If you forever feel hungry, there might be something else at play and by trying to get to the root of the cause, you can stop your eating in its tracks. Hunger pangs might not always be a sign that you need to eat and by looking to these causes of “hunger” before you reach for the cookie jar, you might just become all the more healthy.

  1. You Haven’t Drunk Enough


Failing to feed your body with sufficient water can result in phantom hunger pangs. Sudden feelings of hunger, despite the fact that you have recently eaten, could actually be a sign that your body needs to take in a little liquid. If all of a sudden you feel like you need to eat, try sipping on a glass of water beforehand. If the feelings haven’t subsided within 20 minutes, you will know that it really could be time to have a healthy snack. Just give yourself a little time.

  1. You Haven’t Had Enough Sleep


Getting less shut-eye than normal? It could translate itself in weird and wonderful ways, often resulting in sudden feelings of being hungry. Sleep deprivation can cause a rise in the levels of ghrelin in your body, a hormone that stimulates your appetite. The less sleep you get, the higher your levels of the stuff will be, so make sure you hit the hay at a reasonable hour each night.

  1. You’re Too Stressed


Have things been piling up on your plate more than normal? You could be compensating by eating more. Turning to food as a way of dealing with anxiety is more common than you might have thought but rather than reaching for the fridge when you get home, try thinking about how you’re feeling. If you feel more worried or anxious than normal, your feelings of hunger might be hiding a deeper problem. Turning to meditation or yoga as a way of getting over your everyday stresses can stop your overeating in its tracks and make getting into shape a whole lot more easy.

  1. You Aren’t Eating Enough Protein


A nutrient essential to a good level of health, protein should be a part of your balanced meals. Failing to get enough of the stuff in your diet can lead to a spike in hunger pangs, resulting in you turning to other types of foods in order to get your fill. In fact, protein can help you to feel fuller for longer, making it easier to fight off sudden feelings of hunger. Try turning to legumes, Greek yogurt and lean fish in your diet. You will feel better in no time at all!

  1. You’ve Skipped Too Many Meals


Thought that skipping your meals would help you to lose weight? Think again. Failing to get your fill of balanced foods might help you to cut down on your calories in the short term but before long, you will only reach for quick sources of sugar. Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner can help you to avoid feeling too hungry, making it easier to make healthier choices. Cutting out the food will only lead to bad things.