Four Things You Should Be Doing During Your Pregnancy
LifestyleWellness April 4, 2024 Kale Havervold

I expect that going through a pregnancy is a very emotional time for everyone and couples go through their various emotional highs and lows during these times. But whether it is a good day or a bad day, there are certain things you should be making sure to do while you are pregnant, including these four things.
1. Eat More Proteins and Fats

While in today’s day and age a ton of people try to watch their weight and eat less, you shouldn’t be doing this while pregnant. In fact, you really shoulder be ramping up your intake of food and nutrients, especially protein and fats. These are both very helpful for the development of the baby, especially its brain. Now, this doesn’t mean you should be unhealthy (you should still be healthy), but just make sure you are eating more often than before to take advantage of all the nutrients.
2. Take Folic Acid

It is a long known fact that Folic Acid is a fantastic thing to take as a pregnant woman and is something that everyone who is pregnant should take. It is easily fund at drug stores and most large super market stores so there is really no reason not to take it. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects and can help make sure that part of your baby’s body like their spine and brain develop fully.
3. Avoid Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking

This one is pretty obvious, but is sadly still fairly common sometimes and thus I felt I should include it as well. It is extremely important to cease doing all of these things before you get pregnant and especially while you are pregnant. These types of abusive and often self-destructive behaviour can have extremely lasting and horrific effects to your child.
4. Go To The Doctor Very Regularly

Again, this one is fairly obvious and again should be common sense but there are surely some pregnant women out there not going for check-ups as often as they should be. This is something that should be done so your doctor can follow along the pregnancy and make sure everything is in order with the health of both you and your baby. They could also see any potential problems much sooner than you could see on your own.