The Incredible Healing Power Of Massage
Wellness December 7, 2023 Hannah Lamarque

How do you like to relax? Do you kick back with a book, work out your frustrations through exercise or, like so many others, indulge in a massage? While a treatment so often associated with spa days and luxury outings, massage might actually serve a wider purpose and when it comes to your health, it can really work wonders. Entirely natural and easily accessed, massage is an incredibly effective way in which to relieve stress, boost your health and feel better in yourself. Targeting areas around the body, the treatment taps into your ability to self-heal and relax, bolstering a better feeling of wellness in your day to day life. Never thought that massage was for you? You might be about to change your mind.
Boosts Immunity

Do you find yourself affected by seasonal colds and coughs more frequently than you would like to be? Massage might just be the cure for you. Receiving a body massage for as little as 45 minutes has been proven to increase the production of lymphocytes, the white blood cells that help to ward off disease. That’s not all, either; massage can also decrease your levels of stress hormones, lower the quantities of inflammatory substances, and eliminate the presence of hormones which might lead to aggressive behaviour. A healthier, calmer you? That’s not something to be sniffed at.
Improves Sleep

Insomnia is something that affects increasing numbers of the population and with stressful careers, hectic family lives and financial pressures looming, getting the amount of sleep you need in order to function healthily can be increasingly difficult. Luckily, however, there is another way and by using massage therapy, you can experience a better quality of sleep. Just how does it work, though? Many professionals believe it is down to delta waves. Massage has been linked to an increase in the waves in the brain, which in turn are linked to deep sleep. The more delta waves that your brain is able to produce, the more readily your body is able to fall into a restful sleep. Simple!
Aids Chronic Pain

As well as helping your body to relax, massage can be used to relieve a number of chronic conditions that might cause consistent pain. Issues like arthritis and fibromyalgia can be positively affected by the treatment, leading to better quality of movement and mobility within sufferers. Better yet, massage can also lead to a boosted feeling of wellness, lower levels of anxiety and relief against depression, which in turn can help sufferers to improve their condition. Great for general health and boosting a more positive way of life, massage can benefit nearly every facet of your well being.