Is Your Bathroom Time A Pain In The Rear? Here’s Why
LifestyleWellness August 30, 2023 Damon Mitchell

A niche subject online, the art of squatting on the toilet, is gaining attention along with other bathroom activities. Is it necessary? It stands to reason that bathroom habits should evolve. If they hadn’t, we’d still use holes in the floor.

No, thank you.
Could it be that we’ve been doing the whole bathroom thing wrong for the last hundred years or so? If the data is any indication, perhaps.
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases (NIH) estimates that 75% of people will suffer hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Can we offset our chances?
What if someone told you the risk is because you’ve been using the toilet the wrong way? Shocking, but it’s worth consideration, especially if it shifts one’s chances with hemorrhoids into the 25% range of non-sufferers.
We’ll consider two potential bathroom behavior adjustments, but first a word on the enemy.
Piles And Other Colon Conditions

In case you aren’t familiar with hemorrhoids, sometimes called piles, here’s the quick and dirty. As a result of several factors, diet, bathroom behavior, genetics, one may develop lumps in and around the anus.
There are two basic types, internal and external. Both can range from unnoticeable to severely painful. The experience can include itching, redness, burning and deep body-cavity pain. Some describe the worst cases like razor blades.
There is often bleeding, which is not concerning unless it doesn’t stop. What can be concerning is that piles can be a head fake for more serious conditions, like colon cancer.
The best way to avoid all this is to avoid getting them in the first place. If you are genetically predisposed, there are some things you can do starting right now.
The Case For Squatting

The advocates for a squatting position over a seated one, claim that this is how we’re meant to roll. Early humans found a bush, then hunkered down until they’d done the deed. Our modern act of sitting, they claim, puts pressure on G.I. tract.
Squatting is more common outside the U.S. than the toilet. If you’ve traveled, you may have discovered the hole in the ground with foot markers straddling the hole.
Advocates claim that in position, the hips and gastrointestinal tract are best positioned for evacuation. Not only do they claim it better functions for the purpose of a number two, it helps prevent colorectal cancer.
Unfortunately, a peer-reviewed study couldn’t find any viable connection between the two. In fact, no valuable research concludes that one way is better than the other.
In any case, this video making claims about preventing piles will be the best thing you watch all day:
Paper Versus Bidet

If there is no value for squatting over sitting, surely the practice of using paper on the softest part of the body has to be a bad thing, right?
Bidet fans cite that nothing cleans the backside better than a blast of water aimed at the offending body part. For the sufferer of piles, the paper will only exacerbate the irritation, but water can move in and out without a hitch.
Maybe, but should you install bidets in your all your throne rooms? There is no definitive answer to this question.
This is another example where there is little research on the subject, which is surprising since all of us could benefit.
The bidet may help control transmission of some pathogens, but whether it will prevent piles or other more serious diseases seem unlikely.

So… You can switch to the squat. You can even order a bidet attachment on Amazon, have it to your home before the new year.
If you’re curious, purchase the squatty potty or build your own from wood. Who knows, you may decide you like it, but don’t get your hopes up to avoid piles.
Better you keep a good nutrient profile of fibers. Leave your cell phone, tablet and computer out of the bathroom.
The goal is to get in and out swiftly, without straining. Gravity and involuntary muscles should do most of the work.
Good luck out there.