Do you have unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath and muscle weakness? You could be seriously lacking in vitamin B12. Essential for the nervous system, vitamin B12 helps to create DNA and RNA, which are both essential building blocks for the rest of your body. Failing to get enough of the stuff in your system can seriously play havoc with how you feel and act in your day to day life, so it pays to make sure you’re getting a proper dose. You might chalk these symptoms up to other things but if they’re persistent, it could be time to get yourself a vitamin B12 supplement. It’s time to take control of your health.
- Vegetarian or Vegan

(source: theodysseyonline.com)
If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, you could be seriously lacking in vitamin B12. As the only way to naturally get it in your system is by eating meat, vegetarians and vegans stand at a bigger risk than others of developing a deficiency in the stuff if they’re not careful. If you’re planning on cutting meat out of your diet, make sure you start taking a vitamin B12 supplement. You can keep your health on track by doing so.
- Over 50

(source: lifeprovidr.com)
If you’ve just turned 50, your chances of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency have skyrocketed. As you age, your body’s ability to absorb the vitamin from the food that you’re eating diminishes a huge amount, causing deficiency symptoms to come on thick and fast. Don’t confuse symptoms like memory loss or a lack of stamina with the process of aging. If they’ve come on suddenly and you’re otherwise healthy, it could be a sign that you need more vitamin B12.
3. Drinking Alcohol

(source: pexels.com)
While having a drink every now and then is perfectly fine, going overboard on your alcohol habit can spell serious things for your health. If you find you always accompany your meal with a glass of wine, your vitamin B12 stores could be taking a serious hit. Your liver plays a crucial role in storing B12, so you need to make sure the organ is working to ultimate efficiency. If you’re feeling symptoms creeping in, try cutting your alcohol consumption; your entire body will thank you for it.
- Acid Reflux Medication

(source: playbuzz.com)
If you’re a long time sufferer of acid reflux, the chances are that your doctor has prescribed you with something in order to keep your health on the right path. The only problem is that medications to help with acid reflux can help your body to absorb sufficient amounts of vitamin B12. To keep all aspects of your health in good nick, make sure that you’re taking a daily supplement. You will feel all the stronger for it.
- Diabetes Diagnosis

(source: intreviews.com)
Diabetes sufferers stand at a bigger risk of having a vitamin B12 deficiency than others, according to studies. Blood sugar issues means that your body is less likely to be able to absorb B12 from your diet, even if you’re a meat eater. In order to avoid the problem, make sure you’re taking the supplement to keep your body’s stores at a healthy level. You’ll feel better for it and will do your body and mind a whole lot of long term good.