When it comes to your mind, you are what you eat. The foods that you eat throughout the day can have a surprising effect on your brainpower and if you want to take good care of your gray matter into the future, it pays to consume the right kinds. By adding these superfoods to your daily diet, you can help to boost healthy cerebral functioning, improve your memory and concentrate more throughout the working day. It’s time to harness the power of your mind.
- Blueberries

(source: sciencedaily.com)
The superfood that can benefit practically every part of your body, blueberries work wonders on your general health, helping you to stay in great shape for the long haul. If you’re looking for something to specifically benefit your brain, then there are few fruits quite as effective as the blueberry. Helping to reduce the organ from oxidative stress and reducing the risk of age-related issues such as dementia, the fruit can help to nourish your mind and keep your senses sharp. Eating a handful of the berries everyday is all that it takes in order to keep you feeling at your very best!
- Avocados

(source: wimp.com)
Packed full of healthy fatty acids, avocados are fantastic for boosting brain function and helping to keep your mind clear and healthy. Practically as powerful as blueberries in terms of health benefits, the creamy fruit can help to promote healthy blood flow, keeping oxygen levels in the brain at an all time high. Better yet, the food can also help to lower your blood pressure, reducing your risk of developing a clot in later life and helping to support all of your body’s functions.
- Pomegranate Juice

(source: newhealthadvisor.com)
It might be time to switch your morning glass of orange juice for something a little more exotic. Pomegranate juice has been found to offer the brain concentrated antioxidant effects, helping to banish free radicals and keep the organ functioning healthily. One of the most sensitive organs in the body, the brain can react even to the smallest chemical change so keeping harmful radicals under control can help to keep the organ functioning to its best level well into the future.
- Fresh Tea

(source: zastavki.com)
A cup of tea might just be the best thing that you can drink for your brain. That’s according to research, at least. Studies have found that by drinking two to three cups of freshly brewed tea throughout the day, you can help to enhance your mood, productivity levels and focus. The key is the caffeine. Consuming low quantities of the stuff can actually prove beneficial to the organ, helping you to make the most out of your mind power.
- Dark Chocolate

(source: lifehealthbar.com)
Want something sweet to end your meal? Dark chocolate might just be the best answer. Packed full of both antioxidants and gentle stimulants, high quality dark chocolate can boost your brain’s productions of endorphins and improve your mood in one fell swoop. Eating just a few squares after a meal can be all that it takes to feel at your very best and keep your mind as sharp as it can be!