How do you see the world? Your eyesight is one of the most precious assets you have, helping you to understand different signals, make sense of your environment and interact with those around you. While you might have already been blessed with perfect eyesight, there are a number of ways that you can keep things in check later in life, helping to maintain your crystal clear vision. When it comes down to your eyesight, it’s all about what you eat and once you make these foods a regular part of your diet, you might never look back.
- Bell Peppers

(source: pexels.com)
Not only a great way to mix up a healthy salad, bell peppers can also work wonders on your health. Eating the vegetable on a regular basis might just be the key to unlocking better visual health into older age, enabling your body to effectively decrease its risk of developing eye diseases in later life. It’s all down to the vitamins inside the peppers; packed full of nutrients like vitamin C and carotenoids, the vegetable boosts your body’s healing power, making fighting off any nasty toxins a walk in the park.
- Whole Grains

(source: pexels.com)
Great for your heart and fantastic at boosting your internal health, whole grains are one of the best things you can eat in order to enjoy a better way of life. When it comes to eyesight, it’s a similar story and simply by swapping in your refined carbohydrates for more complex varieties, you enjoy a better quality of vision. Nutrients inside the grain like zinc, vitamin E and niacin help to promote better general eye health while helping to ward off other chronic diseases. There’s a lot to love in the little grains.
- Carrots

(source: pexels.com)
While we were told that eating carrots would help us to see in the dark when we were younger, very few of us might actually have believed that it was true. While the vegetables’ healing power might not go as far as full on night vision, they can help to support a healthier way of seeing. High in beta-carotene, carrots can help our bodies to produce more vitamin A, which is one of the most powerful ways for our bodies to ward off potential blindness. Add in a few handfuls of carrots into your salad or stew and munch away to your heart’s content!
- Legumes

(source: slowfood.it)
Want to feel fuller for longer and boost your eyesight? It’s time to up your legume allowance. Foods like lentils, kidney beans and black eyed peas can help to protect your eyes throughout your life, supporting a healthy retina and lowering your risk of developing cataracts. Better yet, the foods are a great source of protein, helping to boost your body’s energy stores, increase your productivity and keep hunger pangs at bay!
- Nuts and Seeds

(source: pexels.com)
Nuts are one of the best things that you can eat for better general health and, when eaten every day, can support a whole range of healthy processes. Whether almonds, sunflower seeds, cashew or flax are your thing, it doesn’t matter; the amino acids and vitamin E in nuts and seeds can help to prevent issues like dry eye and ward against the risk of macular degeneration.
- Leafy Vegetables

(source: pexels.com)
Do you eat all of your greens? Leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli and spinach can help to strengthen your body’s all round fighting power, making warding off nasty diseases much more simple. Some of the most nutritionally rich foods around, dark, leafy vegetables pack a higher health punch than most other ingredients out there, helping to keep your body and eyesight in tip top condition!
- Fish

(source: pexels.com)
Lean, healthy protein like salmon, tuna and sardines can work wonders on your eyesight. Loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, the fish is known to help protect your eyes against things like cataracts, general deterioration and dryness. Making fish a regular part of your diet can also help to keep your body’s other essential functionings running like clockwork, helping you to both look and feel at your best!