Simple and Natural Ways To Stay More Hydrated
Wellness April 17, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

When it comes to maintaining proper health, drinking enough water is almost always at the top of the list. Staying sufficiently hydrated is an instant way in which to keep your body’s internal processes working properly, boost your brain’s thinking power and feel better in yourself. It turns out, however, that water is not the only way in which we can stay sufficiently hydrated and that by looking to a number of different methods, we can help to boost our body’s water supply. Drinking water is the best way to stay on top form but if you want to top up your hydration in the meantime, these processes can work just as well.
- Make Soup or Salad For Lunch

We can actually absorb a surprising amount of water from the types of foods that we eat and by choosing something that is naturally high in liquid content, we are able to keep our hydration levels topped up. Including either a salad or a bowl or soup in your midday meal can help to give your body a boost of moisture, helping you to stay focused throughout the afternoon. Beware, though; adding lots of salt to your meal will have the opposite effect, drawing water out from your body.
- Eat More Fiber

Consuming certain nutrients is a sure fire way to improve your body’s ability to take in water from your food. Getting more fiber in your diet is one of the best ways in which to do this, slowing down you blood sugar levels and helping water to remain inside your body. Cutting down on sugar can also intensify the process, keeping your body hydrated for even longer!
- Consume Fruit Throughout the Day

Fruit is naturally high in water content and it should make sense that eating more of it throughout the day can help to keep your body working more efficiently. As well as being a great natural source of fiber, most fruits can help to stabilize your electrolytes, keeping important internal processes functioning as normal.
- Drink More Herbal Tea

Want to sip on something a little different? Herbal tea makes a great water alternative. Drinking the tea throughout the day can have just as beneficial an effect as drinking glasses of water and won’t pump your body full of caffeine, either. Sipping on peppermint or fruit based teas will shake up your hydration routine while still having a beneficial effect on your body.
- Use A Water App

Do you struggle to remember to drink throughout your busy working day? There’s an app for that. You can search through any number of drinking apps on the market, using the technology to help you up your water consumption throughout the day. Depending on how much you want to drink, the app will notify you when to have a little water, reminding you to keep your body’s hydration levels in check.