Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

The Healthy Guide To Meat Free Protein
When it comes to complete health, it’s all about getting the right kinds of nutrients and minerals in your diet. Balancing your fiber with the right kinds of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins will have you feeling on tip top form throughout the day and while you could be getting... Read more
5 Ways Going Vegan Will Improve Your Health
In the world of health, few things seem to be as popular at this moment in time as veganism. Removing all animal based products from the diet and lifestyle, veganism supplies nutrients through entirely natural sources, using plants as the foundation of most meals. While following this way of... Read more
Are You Lacking In Vitamin B12? Here’s How To Know
Do you have unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath and muscle weakness? You could be seriously lacking in vitamin B12. Essential for the nervous system, vitamin B12 helps to create DNA and RNA, which are both essential building blocks for the rest of your body. Failing to get enough of... Read more
5 Vegan Meals That You Can Make Within Minutes
Vegan meals have a reputation for being more fiddly than most. With any number of preparatory steps, the recipes can seem to take up a huge amount of your time and by the time they’re cooked, you be feeling hungry and fed up. What, though, if that weren’t the... Read more
5 Ways To Supercharge Your Vegan Diet
Going vegan is one of the most popular ways at this moment to boost your health and enjoy a more balanced, nutritional diet. Actually getting going with the whole thing, however, is a whole other kettle of fish. Implementing a new eating plan into your lifestyle takes a great... Read more
3 Things To Know Before You Go Vegan
According to the thousands of people who already follow the lifestyle, going vegan is one of the best things that you can do for your health and happiness. If you’re thinking of switching to the plant based diet, there are a huge amount of benefits that you can enjoy... Read more