With beach season right around the corner, everyone out there is trying to trim off those last few pounds of winter weight to have a rockin body for the beach. However, if you resort to visiting websites, forums and blogs to lose the weight, you are likely being dealt a bit of misinformation. There are a ton of myths and misconceptions when it comes to losing weight, and I will go over three of them here for you.
1. All Fat is Bad

(source: blog.dolledup.ie)
For a while now it seems that all fat has been given a bad rap when it doesn’t deserve it. Of course, there are wrong kinds of fat that can definitely be bad for you and contribute to weight gain, but there are also fats that aren’t bad for you and can actually be healthy. You definitely want to avoid trans-fat and saturated fats, but unsaturated and monounsaturated fats are fair game and can support your health and weight loss goals.
2. Weight Loss Happens in the Gym

(source: thestruggleisreal.com)
While working out and exercise are a great supplement to help you lose weight, be healthier and look better, it is not the most important thing to consider when you want to lose weight. What you eat and how much you eat is without a doubt the biggest and most important factor when losing weight. Having a clean diet (with minimal cheat days or meals) will go a long way in helping you shed the weight as opposed to eating like crap and then working out every day.
3. There is a “Magic Potion”

(source: pintrest.com)
These days, everyone and their mother seems to be selling a different diet, workout or other supplement that is supposed to help you lose ungodly amounts of weight in no time at all. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are no shortcuts. Of course, there are things you can do to help a little, but there is no magic pill you can take that will suddenly shed 10 pounds off of your body in a day. Hard work, dedication and sticking to a diet is the only sure way to lose the weight.