In most people’s lives, there is something that irks them or that isn’t quite right. But, on those rare occasions, there are times when we are completely and utterly happy with our life in every way. These times are great, but people often lose them fast when they complicate life in one way or another. Life is complicating enough on its own, there is no need to add to it. Here are three ways we often can complicate life when it isn’t needed.
1. Procrastinating

(source: duffmcduffee.com)
There is nothing that can clutter our minds quite as much as the things in our life we have to get done, but haven’t done yet. Oftentimes we don’t do things when we should do them, which leads tasks to pile up and overwhelm us. Procrastination can lead to extreme complication as we struggle with knowing what to do first and when. The key is to not let tasks pile up and don’t finish everything at the last minute.
2. Participate in Drama

(source: favslist.com)
In life (whether you are a teenager or adult), drama exists all around us. Drama is one of the biggest contributors to an unpleasant and complicating life. However, still, we all know those people who feed off of drama and simply cannot go a day without judging, bad mouthing or entertaining the drama of others. Drama just complicates life and it is much easier and nicer to live judgment free and see the good in everyone.
3. Overthinking

(source: themindunleashed.com)
For a lot of us, this is the key to a complicated and stressful life. As someone who struggled with overthinking in the past, I know how it can complicate your life in a big way. Often the things we overthink about are out of our control and thus, aren’t worthy of our time. Think of the present and the things that are directly in control and spend your time on them. Worrying about every little thing in the past and future just complicates your life.