What Skin Type Are You? Find Out Here
Skin & Hair February 23, 2024 Tiffany Wood

Everyone is different and so is our skin type. However, there are generally 5 main categories that our skin can fit into in order to determine the best way to take care of it to have it looking it’s best. The 5 skin types you may have are normal, oily, dry, sensitive, and combination skin.
Normal Skin
Normal skin is generally free of blemishes and any discoloration. Those who have normal skin have very small pores and smooth looking and feeling skin. Normal skin is the best skin type to have as it is the easiest to take care of and maintain.
Oily Skin
The main characteristics of oily skin are large pores, high levels of oil production and it’s more prone to acne and other skin problems.
Dry Skin
Dry skin can be distinguished by dry patches and flakes, dull looking skin, small pores, and more susceptibility to wrinkles and fine lines due to the lack of moisture.
Sensitive Skin
Red spots, skin discoloration, irritation, broken blood vessels, and itching are all characteristics of having sensitive skin. Sensitive skin generally requires extra attention as many products can make sensitive skin more sensitive.
Combination Skin
Combination skin is a combination of all of the skin types (sorry to state the obvious.) With combination skin, the ‘T’ zone (forehead, nose, and chin) may appear oily, while eyes, hair and jaw lines are dry. Combination skin is also prone to blackheads and pores appear quite large.