Body Hacks

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Losing weight is all about meeting smaller goals along the way and if you’re anything like most people, then checking in to see just... The Workout Apps For Better Weight Loss

Losing weight is all about meeting smaller goals along the way and if you’re anything like most people, then checking in to see just how far you’ve come might just the best part about the whole process. Watching the numbers go down on the scales can be a great motivator but often, your new health is about so much more about what you weigh. Thanks to the rise of technology, there are a ton of simple and accessible ways you can mark your weight loss process as you go, helping you to make the most of the whole journey. Want an interactive insight into your new level of health? Technology is here to lend a helping hand.

  1. Amwell


One of the simplest ways in which to track your weight loss, Amwell gets straight to the point, giving you all of the information in one easy to access place. As well as helping you to track your weight loss and eating plans, the app gives you direct access to medical professionals in a few easy touches, helping you to get on the right track with virtually no extra effort. Better yet, you can sync your information and progress with others, helping you to go motivate other people as they go on their own weight loss journey.

  1. Diet Assistant


Want to run through everything that you eat? There’s an app for that and it’s called Diet Assistant. Helping you to create your own diet plan, run through your weekly grocery list and track you weight records, this app makes getting to grips with a healthier lifestyle serious easy, showing you all of the essential information in one easy to access place. The free version comes equipped with a BMI calculator and simple ways to lose weight, giving you all the information you need for a healthier you.

  1. Endomondo


If you’re working out alone, it can sometimes be difficult to work up the kind of motivation you need in order to keep going and meet your fitness goals. Enter Endomondo. Tracking your exercise progress over a period of time, the app shows you directly how far you’ve come, how your fitness capabilities have changed and how you might set another goal for the future. If you need a little extra support, you can access the community tab which brings you into a wider area of users, enabling you to receive support and challenge your friends.

  1. Fitocracy


Having constant access to a personal trainer is something that many of us would like but unfortunately, is rarely something which we can have during every workout session. For when there’s no one around to offer you essential fitness advice, you can try using Fitocracy. A mobile workout app, Fitocracy comes brimming with exercise plans and fitness tips and even features advice from a number of verified coaches. If you’re looking for something a little more customizable, then this is the app for you.

  1. Fooducate


There is so much more to losing weight than just the number on the scales and if you want to really track your health, it pays to understand the types of foods you’re putting in your body. Fooducate will do exactly that, helping you to understand what’s inside the foods you buy at the grocery store with its instant scanning feature. You can find the right foods for you, gain access to healthy recipes and even get news from the health food industry. All of this while losing extra weight? Where do we sign up?