6 Easy Ways To Eat More Blueberries
Recipes October 27, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

Blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits on the market. Small and mighty, the berries pack a seriously healthy punch and eating more of them in your diet can help you on your way to a better way of life. As well as being a fantastic source of fiber, the fruit is loaded with essential antioxidants which can help to protect your body against the onset of certain diseases. While you might be used to eating the food by the handful, they lend themselves particularly well to certain recipes. It’s time to fire up the stove; we’re about to get cooking!

(source: cookingalamel.com)
While you might have cut out sugar laden muffins from your diet a long time ago, there’s always a healthy way to turn things around. These blueberry muffins look every bit as tasty as their traditional counterparts and, thanks to their inclusion of zucchini, they don’t scrimp on the nutrients. Healthy, tasty and downright filling, these breakfast loaf cakes are the ultimate way to start your day with a bang.

(source: quixotictable.blogspot.fr)
Pancakes don’t have to be unhealthy, if you serve them up in the right way. These blueberry packed pancakes are fluffy, light and tasty as they come. There’s more to the recipe, too; lurking inside the pancake batter is a whole load of whole wheat and flax, helping you to get your fiber fix first thing in the morning. Pile ‘em up high; these pancakes will do you the world of good!

(source: spabettie.com)
Snacking healthily is all about getting the right kinds of foods inside you. Rather than avoiding all snacks, you can try arming yourself with a few healthy versions of your favorite foods, making it easier to stick to a balanced, nutritious way of life. These sunflower energy bites might just be some of the best out there and, loaded with blueberries, will help to arm your body against any harmful toxins. Try whipping up a big batch and taking a few of these bad boys wherever you go. You can enjoy better health before you know it.

(source; laurafriendly.com)
Sides and sauces may come and go but this blueberry dip is for life. Mixing cashew nuts, yogurt, lemons and blueberries, the recipe is entirely natural and can be left to soak overnight. The next time you want to spice up your fruit, add a little dip on the side; it will enhance the flavor and help you to stay healthy!

(source: howsweeteats.com)
Cheese and fruit are a match made in heaven and when they’re put together on a pizza, things only get better. This tasty pizza is a great way to experiment in the kitchen, introducing you to a whole world of alternative flavors. Want to go a little healthier? No problem! Supplementing the puff pastry base for a whole wheat or vegetable variety will help you to go one further, staying healthy even when you’re indulging.

(source: alive.com)
Sweet by nature, blueberries always lend themselves well to desserts. If you’re trying to stay healthy but are on the hunt for a taste of the sweet stuff, this blueberry banana tart is not going to disappoint. Loaded with flax, almond, blueberries and bananas, the recipe is as simple as they come, helping you to get a taste of something sweet without any of the guilt!