One of the best pieces of fitness advice I’ve acquired in the last few years was from movement specialist, Ido Portal. It was a couple of years ago on a podcast called London Real when Portal advised listeners to find a dogma. The term dogma may bend your ear... Read more
The Best Fall Foods To Help Get Rid Of Your Bloating
Wellness July 19, 2023
Summer is the perfect time in which to flatten out your belly. With nothing but salads, smoothies and juices as far as the eye can see, keeping your tummy in check seems like a walk in park when the temperature is hot. But when it comes to fall? Not... Read more
Albeit, wearables in the workplace are a controversial subject, the inevitability is overwhelming. The Daqri smart helmet, a helmet for industrial workers, not only protects your melon but gives you a safety advantage when worn. It may be the wearable that puts the workplace movement into overdrive. Current workplace... Read more
Allow your hand to go limp. Now reach for your coffee or some such object, without flexing or extending your fingers. It’s impossible, right? I just said that… In an otherwise functional body, even one that lives in a wheelchair, the loss of grip is a frustrating shortcoming. It... Read more
First, let me apologize for that somewhat misleading headline. The Horus wearable is fascinating, capable of improving the blind’s experience of the world, but it won’t give them back their eyes. It will, however, convert their world into an exposition of sorts. This requires some explaining. The Italian start-up... Read more
We were recently approached by Arenar to take a look at their product, a sleep wearable aimed at tracking and controlling your sleep. At the time of this writing, iBand+ had hours to go on their Kickstarter campaign. Since they’ve more than crushed their goals, they don’t need any... Read more
Imagine a world where once every month, you were host to an unwelcome guest for up to a week. What if this guest not only crawled into your bed with you, he would punch you in the gut at random, wearing brass knuckles? Not only that, he would draw... Read more