Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Use These Essential Oils To Relieve Your Asthma Pains
Is asthma getting you down? It’s time to take a few tips from mother nature. An inflammatory disease, asthma interferes with the airways of the lungs, causing them to constrict and produce higher amounts of mucus than normal. If you’re an asthma sufferer, you’ll be well aware of the... Read more
Sorry, No Pokemon GO Wearable for You, Maybe
Sorry to spoil your lifestyle, but if you had designs on the Pokemon GO Plus, created to accompany the new game sweeping our smartphones and social media feeds, you’d better check your bank account. The only place you will find one now is on Ebay or Amazon, scalped for... Read more
The Beginner’s Guide To Swimming For Fitness
Want to get fit this summer? It’s time to make a splash! Swimming is one of the best ways that you can tone up your body and work up a sweat and, thanks to the buoyancy of the water, the sport won’t put any extra strain on your joints.... Read more
5 Right Now Solutions for Gaining Weight
Everybody wants to drop mass, I know, but there are a few people who need to pile it on. Either they are trying to break out of their prepubescent bodies or their genetics dictate a slender build. Fitness nerds call them ectomorphs, but really haven’t we had enough name... Read more
The Right Way to Clean and Care for Your Skin
The recipe for clear skin is clean skin. While you may wash your face every morning and every night, you may not be caring for your skin in the proper order- which could make steps in your skin care regimen less effective. Follow along for a step-by-step guide of... Read more
Introverts vs Extroverts
We always hear people being described as being introverts or extroverts, but do most of us really know what we mean when we describes others as one or the other. Here I will look at the history of those classifications, characteristics of each and more. While these theories have... Read more
Cool: Avegant’s Glyph Headset Will Fool Your Eyes
Speaking of cool, Virtual reality (VR) is just about the coolest thing coming down the wearables pipeline. For a nascent technology, the first iterations have been pretty compelling, except for one thing: portability. If you want to have the option to go virtual at any time, you’d better be okay carrying... Read more
Why More People Are Choosing LASIK for Perfect Vision
LASIK is also called laser eye surgery or laser eye vision correction. It is a refractory procedure done to correct myopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia. Vast numbers of people are using LASIK to fix their vision because it has been shown to improve long-term visual acuity. Laser eye surgery... Read more
3 Ways to Remove Unwanted Hair Naturally
Everyone has some form of unwanted hair on their bodies. A little peach fuzz on our faces and prickly hairs on our legs are completely natural- but that doesn’t mean we can’t remove them if we want to. While I’m all for a good spa waxing every now and... Read more
How to Completely Cover a Blemish With Makeup
When our skincare routines aren’t taking care of that pesky blemish quick enough, we must resort to makeup to cover it up until it has time to heal. While it’s best to avoid applying makeup to your blemish as much as possible so it has time to heal properly,... Read more
Straight Up: 3 Wearables to Improve Your Posture
There’s no sense denying it, you’re a slouch, which is not to be confused with the always-cute sloth. You’re not lazy. You just don’t have the best posture in the world, but you would like to get better. If only there were some kind of wearable that could help... Read more
3 Easy Reasons You Have Chicken Legs
If you’ve been pouring yourself into your workouts for some time, the worst thing that could happen is going from a Weeble-Wobble shape to Mr. Chicken legs. It’s true, aesthetic goals get boring, but if you have pin legs, you may find your strength is also unbalanced. Your legs... Read more
Here Are 3 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamins
If your life runs at 100 miles an hour, it’s easy to let your health get away from you. Battling long hours, busy projects and intense meetings can mean that when you get home, convenience is the first port of call. And while convenience food has been created in... Read more
Why You Should Always Condition Before You Shampoo
As you may have noticed, many popular hair care brands have changed our way of thinking when it comes to the way we shampoo and condition our hair by switching the order in which we do so. Brands like TRESemmé and Kérastase have even released new products to promote this... Read more
4 Interactive Ways You Can Boost Your Mental Health
If you’re not feeling at your very best, it’s going to show up on your body. Your mind and body are so strongly linked that, as soon as something starts to go wrong with one part, the other element naturally suffers as a result. On the flipside, both elements... Read more
Rest Easy: 5 Fitness Trackers That Will Help You
According to the 2015 National Sleep Foundation’s study, about one in two Americans sleeps well. Below the line it goes from fair to bad. That means half the country is not getting sufficient sleep. Another way to put it, is about 50% of us are walking around with grumpy... Read more
How to Create an Environment for Success
Everyone wants to be successful in their life. But what that “success” is, varies from person to person. Some people believe that success is making a ton of money while others think it is about being happy. Whatever success is to you, we all strive and work hard to... Read more
How To Keep Your Vision Healthy After Using A Computer
How long do you spend in front of a screen during the day? Spending prolonged periods of time in front of a computer might be part and parcel of your working life but doing so without a break can have a seriously damaging effect on your eyesight. Your vision... Read more
3 Helpful Habits for a Productive Evening
While some of us like to relax in our evenings after a long and hard day of work, others like to remain in the zone and have a productive evening. But after a long day, this isn’t always easy. Here are three ways to help yourself have a more... Read more
Eating For One: How To Stay Healthy When You Live Alone
Cooking for one is a tricky thing to get right. With so many recipes resulting in four or more servings of food, trying out your favorite new dishes can seem like a bit of an uphill battle when you’re the only one who’s eating. You can change the way... Read more