Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

4 Soothing Apps For A Stress-Free Mind
Relaxing more and worrying less is something that many of us may wish to do and yet, letting go of day to day tensions can prove to be a great deal more difficult than you might have thought. With so many different things vying for your attention, it is... Read more
Can Having A Pet Improve Your Health?
Welcoming a new animal into your home is very much like gaining a member of the family. While everyone has their ideal pet, there is no argument that getting any sort of species can really brighten your day and give you something to look forward to when you come... Read more
Healthy Ways To Feel Happier, Everyday
Feeling grumpy is a way of life and while we can try to offset the mood with a mix of social ventures, new activities and traveling projects, eliminating it entirely can be a little bit more difficult. Until now, that is. Thanks to mother nature, there are a ton... Read more
Could A Digital Detox Boost Your Health?
The wonders of modern technology have created a world in which we can be connected at all times, on top of major global events and constantly within reach of our nearest and dearest. Our smartphones, tablets and computers have revolutionized the way that we do business and share new... Read more
Sleep In: Why Your Weekends Should Be About Rest
Weekends are all about resting. Your two days off are your time to kick back, relax and unwind after a long week’s work. Putting in the hours every day during the working week is an important part of your routine but when it comes to sleeping, you should be... Read more
4 Ways To Become A Less Stressed You
Dealing with stress is something that so many of us simply put up with on a day to day basis that we might have forgotten what it actually feels like to be relaxed. Incorporating moments of calm into your busy schedule might feel like a near impossibility but incredibly,... Read more
Wellbeing: 5 Simple Ways To Be Happy and Healthy
Feelings of health and happiness influence each other, so why do so few of us focus on our physical well being over our psychological health? Making the most out of yourself starts from the inside out and by concentrating on how you feel within yourself, you can improve the... Read more
You Need To Stop These Toxic Habits
Making a real change in your life starts from the inside out. The types of habits that you pick up over time can be hard to shed but if they’re not doing anything positive for your health, it’s in your best interests to shake them off as quickly as... Read more
How To Overcome Restrictive Eating And Fad Diets
When you’re on a diet, it’s easy to categorize what you’re eating. Restricting your diet can be a great way of shedding the pounds but when you become too obsessed with the task, you risk putting your health in danger. Restrictive eating can take its toll on your psychological... Read more
Here Are 4 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Body Image
There is a huge difference between physical health and body image. The way that you see yourself translates directly into the way that you feel about yourself and even if you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle, you need a dose of self love in order to feel really good.... Read more
Doubting Yourself? Don’t Forget These Simple Things
When was the last time that you felt really, really good about yourself? We’re not talking about a brief feeling of positivity or a fleeting happy feeling, we’re talking full on, out and out great. If you’re scratching your head and thumbing through dates, you might not be as... Read more
How To Turn Your Dreams Into A Reality
We all dream of enjoying success at some point in our lives but for some of us, our wishes never seem to take physical form. There is a great difference between dreaming of doing something and actually going ahead and doing it and for the most part, it’s down... Read more
Feeling Down? These Foods Can Reverse Your Mood
Feeling down from time to time is part and parcel of everyday life and while changeable moods are perfectly normal, there are a number of methods we can use in order to get over them more quickly. While staying sociable, learning to relax and exercising regularly are all great... Read more