Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Three Natural Ways to Help You Sleep
If you ask a lot of people what is the one thing they cherish the most in life, most would probably say sleep. Especially in the busy modern day, sleep is loved, but yet people aren’t getting enough. Here are three tips to naturally get more sleep without resorting... Read more
Three Tips To Break Those Pesky Bad Habits
Whether you are an uber successful businessman or someone struggling to get by, we all have bad habits we can and should work on. But as you know, bad habits can be hard to break, but here are three tips to help you try break them. 1. Improve Your... Read more
These Are Three Healthy Ways to Deal With Anger
If you are a human, you deal with anger every now and then. While we all go through it, we all don’t handle it the same. Some people can handle adversity and anger, while others can struggle a ton with it. If you want to better (and healthier) deal... Read more
Achieve a Happy Work/Life Balance With These Three Tips
In the present day, it is not uncommon for people to work much more than the standard 40 hours a week. With people working this much, there is a good chance that their home lives and social lives are suffering. And while this is okay for some people, others... Read more
Three Common Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Achieve Your Goals
Everybody on the planet wants to be extremely successful and achieve their biggest goals in life. If this is the case, why are so few people actually successful? Of course, life circumstances, scenarios and unforeseen circumstances can come into play, but another is that people often make mistakes along... Read more
Three Tips to Minimize Negative Thinking
Negative thinking is something that each and every goes through from time to time. Not only is it annoying and upsetting, but it can sometimes ruin your day or even longer. There is no way to completely eliminate periodic negative thinking, but what you can do is be able... Read more
Here are Three Reasons Why You Are Overeating
While hunger is a problem for millions of people all over the world, North America has a different epidemic when it comes to eating. Currently, the number of overweight and obese people is staggering and a large reason behind this is overeating. We all do it from time to... Read more
Three Smart Ways to Exercise at Work
Pretty much everyone knows just how important working out is to being happy and healthy. But the problem is that most people are too busy with work and life to get a solid workout in. If that is the case with you, here are three intelligent ways to get... Read more
Three Tips to Better Talk to Your Doctor
One of the most anxious times for most people is when they have to talk about their problems with a doctor. It can be a scary and strange time as the things you talk about might be embarrassing, confusing or serious. Here are three tips to help you talk... Read more
Forgive Yourself: Three Tips to Stop Feeling Guilty
For some individuals, forgetting the past and moving on from mistakes can be extremely difficult. Some of us can dwell on (and feel guilty) about things for long after they matter. If this is you, these three tips could help you forgive yourself and stop feeling guilty about the... Read more
Four Things You Should Be Doing During Your Pregnancy
I expect that going through a pregnancy is a very emotional time for everyone and couples go through their various emotional highs and lows during these times. But whether it is a good day or a bad day, there are certain things you should be making sure to do... Read more
Three Ways Social Media Can Have Negative Effects on You
The modern day is definitely the age of the internet and social media. Seemingly everybody is using the internet and social media daily. And while these things are great and can connect people all over the world, they aren’t always good. There are some real negatives that can potentially... Read more
Become Proficient at Public Speaking With These Three Tips
When you ask people what their biggest fears are of all time are, public speaking in front of a large group is often very close to the top of that list. It is a major phobia for most people and here are three great tips that can help you... Read more
Become a Better Cook with These Three Tips
One of the best skills a person can possess in life is to become well adept at cooking. While it is a great skill, it isn’t always easy to do and can take a lot of time. Here are three awesome tips to become better at cooking. 1. Take... Read more
Learn How to be Able to Deal With Rejection With These Three Tips
In life, we all go through different kinds of rejection. Whether it be during our career, in our relationships or anything else. These are trying times and can often lead us to become unhappy and even potentially depressed. However, there are a ton of different ways you can be... Read more
Breath Better: Here Are Three Tips to Help Clear That Stuffy Nose
With springtime officially here, people everywhere are experiencing stuffy noses from allergies and other stimuli which makes breathing and going through day to day life without sniffling and sneezing nearly impossible. Having a blocked or stuffed up nose is one of the worst feelings out there and makes you... Read more
Three Secrets to Becoming a Better Athlete
While a person’s natural ability and genetics play a huge role in whether or not they can be a legendary athlete, there are simple things you can do to be better than you were yesterday. And while these three tips may not lead you to become a pro athlete,... Read more
Three Ways to Help You Gain Weight the Right Way
While the weight loss craze is in full effect right now, there are thousands and thousands of people out there who are actually trying to go the other way. Tons of people are trying to not only gain weight, but do it the right way. Of course, we could... Read more
Three Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone
It is no secret that testosterone is the most well-known and famous male hormone. This hormone is able to burn fat, build muscle along with a ton of other benefits. As a result, it is no surprise that people want more of this hormone. But instead of taking steroids... Read more
Three Amazingly Helpful Ways to Maximize Your Happiness
In life, being happy should be at or near the top of your list of things to do. Being happy is great for your health, lifestyle and more. Here are three great things you can do to help to potentially maximize your happiness. 1. Exercise, Exercise and More Exercise... Read more