Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Better Bones: 6 Ways To Eat More Calcium
Keep breaking bones? There’s a mineral for that. Your stores of calcium are higher than any other mineral in the body and making sure you get your daily share can help to protect your bones and teeth from breakages and damage throughout your life. And while you might be... Read more
Can COPD be Managed with Diet?
COPD is a term used to describe a group of lung diseases that block airflow and impact an individual’s ability to breathe. However, through a few key changes, you can improve your quality of life even with a COPD diagnosis. You may find it odd, but the food you... Read more
4 Reasons Gardening Completes Your Life
If you live someplace cold, like winter and snow cold, then you know the value of chopping wood. It keeps you warm twice. You get fired up chopping that wood (not to mentioned it’s great for your physique) but when you burn it in the fireplace, it warms you... Read more
Don’t Get Too Jacked and Other Spooky Tales
People say a lot of stuff about fitness. Most of it’s not helpful, but some of it’s downright laughable. Sadly, too many of these silly things come from people who profess to be fitness professionals. I guess anyone can hang a hat on that title. Don’t feel bad if... Read more
Balanced Barbecues: 6 Healthy Meals You Can Stick On The Grill
Now that summer is well and truly under way, it’s time to turn up the heat and get out the grill. Having a summer shindig is a great way to make the most out of the warmer weather and once you fire up the barbecue, there’s no stopping what... Read more
4 Reasons Your Healthy Eating Plans Aren’t Working
You might be eating all the right foods and exercising like you really mean it but somehow, the weight just refuses to shift. Starting out a diet with the best of intentions is all well and good but when you stop seeing instantaneous results, it can be easy to... Read more