Sony Playstation’s VR headset releases the 13th of this month. While it won’t be gifted free with your purchase like the Google Daydream, the price point beats the competition, especially if you already own a Playstation. In fact, this will likely be your first big-kid VR trip. The fuse may have... Read more
Once upon a time there were boring old watches. They looked like this: Then Pebble beat everyone to the smartwatch market, especially Apple. They made a smartwatch that worked with iPhones and Android devices, long before either camp made an exclusive smartwatch. To prove the market, they crowdfunded their... Read more
Last week, three different portable VR headsets made the news, one of which carried the name Oculus. Not one of those headsets required wiring to a powerful computer because those are dumb. Actually, this is worse: Perhaps we’ve been looking at this thing the wrong way. While computers that double as... Read more
Let’s get this out right away: It’s round-faced. Polar’s newest low-cost entry to the GPS smartwatch category is a round-faced option that offers people on a budget a lovely timepiece with many goodies under the hood. A veteran in the sports watch category, Polar has been keeping pace with... Read more
Capitalizing on the serious lack of storage for most devices, the creators of the ReVault smartwatch want to free up your overburdened devices, no matter the platform, with wireless, encrypted connectivity. With the announcement of the 256GB iPhone 7, Apple finally announced the end of the 16GB iPhone. It... Read more
Sometimes you gotta rock. Inspiration could strike anywhere, but dragging around your drum kit or guitar amp is not always convenient. Air guitar is just only so satisfying. If there were only some way we could compose music on the go without the need to carry around all that... Read more
Partnering up with Intel, Oakley just introduced a new pair of Oakley shades with headphones extending from the arms. The new shades offer not only wireless tunes but virtual coaching in an Oakley frame. They’re calling the new frames, Radar Pace. They look like a leaner, meaner pair of... Read more
Google’s recently announced Daydream VR headset is the first headset wrapped in something familiar to your skin, cloth. Unless you consider Google’s cardboard project, it’s priced lower than any similar headset out there. The question we want answered is, will these features be enough to take Daydream to the... Read more
Adult wearables, which take traditional adult toys to the next level, have been making in-roads to the mainstream. The conversation is still an adult one, but the stigma of adult toys may be wearing off as the toys themselves get much better and access improves. If you dig deep... Read more
Seedling, a game company known for playtime innovation, has created something new and fun. They call it Maze. At a glance, it looks like one of those old-timey tilt mazes, but it’s like no gaming experience before it. For the record, games have always been awesome. It’s just, in... Read more
Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more