Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Three Great Uses for Coconut Oil You May Not Have Known
By now, you guys have probably heard about coconut oil and its many uses. The coconut oil craze is seemingly taking the world by storm. While many people know it can be used for cooking and for the skin as a lotion substitute, here are three other great and... Read more
Three Ways We Complicate Life When it Isn’t Needed
In most people’s lives, there is something that irks them or that isn’t quite right. But, on those rare occasions, there are times when we are completely and utterly happy with our life in every way. These times are great, but people often lose them fast when they complicate... Read more
Mind-Boosting Meals: Eat These Foods For A Healthier Brain
When it comes to your mind, you are what you eat. The foods that you eat throughout the day can have a surprising effect on your brainpower and if you want to take good care of your gray matter into the future, it pays to consume the right kinds.... Read more
Three Ways to Help Get Rid of Warts
While they usually will go away on their own and don’t really negatively affect you, few skin conditions are more unsightly than a wart. These little guys are extremely common and can seemingly sprout up anywhere on the body. If you have one, here are three things you can... Read more
How To Hack Your Next Digital Detox
The modern world is packed with new technologies. Every day, it seems like a brand new digital device is being released and in order to keep up with the changing times, we make each new item a part of our lives, slowly expanding the electronic objects we use. There’s... Read more
Three Books to Check out if you want to Supercharge Your Body
When you want to make positive changes in your life, sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation or understand how to do it. You can go to friends, family, the internet and even books. While there are a ton of books out there to help you be... Read more
How To Train Your Eyes To Better Health
Your eyes are the window into your soul and how you see the world around you can have a huge effect on the way you understand your direct environment. With the rise of technology and the ever-growing presence of electronic screens, the health of our eyes has begun to... Read more
Three Huge Weight Loss Misconceptions
With beach season right around the corner, everyone out there is trying to trim off those last few pounds of winter weight to have a rockin body for the beach. However, if you resort to visiting websites, forums and blogs to lose the weight, you are likely being dealt... Read more
Breaking Down the Common Types of Massage
Getting a massage is one of the best things you can do for your body and has a number of benefits including recovery, relaxation, decrease stress and much more. With massages getting more and more popular, people are probably curious about what kind of massage does what for our... Read more
Here Are 4 Ways To Eliminate Your Unhealthy Habits
Even though we might have the best intentions when it comes to our health, we all have at least one bad eating habit that can set us back. Eliminating unhealthy habits might be the hardest step when it comes to getting back on track but over time, cutting them... Read more
Move More and Feel Better In 3 Easy Steps
One of the easiest ways to feel better in your body is simply to move more often. With many of us leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, actually getting out of the office chair in order to do a little exercise can seem like a very big deal and by the... Read more
Could Martial Arts Unlock Your Fitness Potential?
Getting in shape is all about exercising properly and whether you’re into swimming, biking or running, you probably have your game plan well worked out already. It turns out, however, there could be another form of exercise that’s even better than the fitness trinity at whipping you into shape... Read more