Can we just call technology what it is? We’re lazy creatures, not sloth lazy, but we invent things so we can work less. That is not the premise of Powerlace’s self-lacing shoes. They lobby we’ve not updated the shoe in decades. For the most part, this... Read more
One of the best pieces of fitness advice I’ve acquired in the last few years was from movement specialist, Ido Portal. It was a couple of years ago on a podcast called London Real when Portal advised listeners to find a dogma. The term dogma may bend your ear... Read more
Toning Exercises For A Workout On The Fly
Fitness February 17, 2025
Losing weight is hardly a walk in the park. Getting your fitness on everyday can seem like the only way to shed the pounds and if you’re not seeing the results, it can soon become disheartening. Pounding the pavement isn’t the only way to go. Strength building moves are... Read more
These Yoga Exercises Can Banish Your Lower Back Pain
Fitness February 13, 2025
Lower back pain is something that you should take seriously. The state of your back plays a significant role in your general health and wellbeing as you age. While lower back pains might come and go, there are exercises that you can undertake in order to get rid of... Read more
How To Build Your Muscles Without Equipment
Fitness February 10, 2025
Thought that the only way to build up your muscles was to hit the gym? Think again! Bodyweight based exercises are some of the most effective out there, helping you to build your muscles without giving yourself a strain. Practicing any number of simple exercises at home can help... Read more
There are many places where a plan can fall apart. From the plan itself to the execution of that plan, we’re not all the most skilled doers. Planning isn’t something with which you are born. Someone has to teach you. This is why many people choose to hire a... Read more
Don’t Cross-train? Big Mistake. Here’s Why
Fitness January 29, 2025
The gym is full of dedicated people who show up day-after-day, year-after-year, only to shove the same body into the same clothes for their efforts. It’s sad, like really sad. Alright, not that sad… but pretty sad. What is sad is, nobody joins the gym to be the same person... Read more
Despite the prevalence of workforce that telecommutes, the travel industry is growing. We travel today more than ever. Reason being, nothing will ever replace belly-to-belly sales or a good hug from someone from far away. Not only that but the ability to perform our jobs from anywhere has more people on... Read more
Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more
5 Ways To Burn More Calories After You Workout
Fitness January 20, 2025
Workouts are one of the best ways to shed the fat, get in shape and kick your healthy habits up a gear. It turns out, however, that there’s a lot more that you could be doing. Your habits during your fitness sessions can determine how much energy you keep... Read more
Get a Grip: The Right Technique to Lift Anything
Fitness January 16, 2025
Nobody drives a car like I do, the right way. Nobody paints a wall, cuts tomatoes, tap dances, picks their nose… you get the idea. My way is THE right way. The concept of being “correct” could fill pages. Perspective usually has something to do with it. There’s the... Read more
4 Must Have Back Strengthening Exercises For Pelvic Tilters
Fitness January 16, 2025
When I was a actively training clients, looking for new clients, the easiest way for me to open a door was tell someone I knew they suffered back pain. Most people suffer back issues. It’s not just a modern phenomenon either. We’ve had problems with our spines since the invention... Read more
No doubt, we’re fans of the Apple Watch Series 2. We’re fans of nearly anything wearable tech related, especially if it’s fitness tech. It’s what we do. That said, the Apple Watch Series 2 is a force to be reckoned with, but it’s not perfect in every way for... Read more
Ask ten fitness professional this question, get ten different answers. That’s pretty tough, considering it looks like an either-or kinda question. The further you get down your own pathway to health, the more you will see that the answer can get mucky. Don’t let that deter you. We’re gonna... Read more
Nixon, no stranger to watches, just dropped their new rugged smartwatch aimed at snowboarders and surfers. It’s a rugged beast, loaded with goodies for board sports enthusiasts. Is it the right fit, though? It’s no longer news that the new Apple Watch 2 packs GPS into a waterproof design. That... Read more
Confession up front; I am not a person who likes to have a workout buddy. I’ll workout with someone else for time to time, but find that my sessions are more efficient, more focused when I’m solo. That’s me. I am an oddity. Most folks do not relate to... Read more
Let’s assume you understand you cannot teach yourself to lift like you taught yourself to play guitar. You understand you’re gonna need more than YouTube to understand the intricacies of proper technique. Please, don’t call it form. You need a trainer. The first thing you should do, if you... Read more
Here’s a fun thing. At a social event where there is more than one gym rat, toss out a statement like this, “The back squat is clearly the best way to squat because that’s the one everybody learns first.” Then, take cover. Things ’bout to get cray up in... Read more
The problem with fitness and nutrition is how boring it can be. There is only so much you can say about consuming or burning calories. Because of this, we keep inventing new ways to do both or so it seems. In most cases, we’re not inventing anything. We’re repackaging... Read more
If you have the means, like $1500 or more, than Normatec has a plausible solution for muscle recovery without seeing a therapist. They’ve created a self-massaging system that you strap on, then hit the power button. There’s no work other than that. You can use it wherever you want.... Read more