Body Hacks

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Type A vs Type B

Type A vs Type B

Lifestyle August 4, 2024

In life, we are all different individuals with our own intricacies and nuances, but there is a personality theory that has seemingly been able to break most people down into one of two categories. Now, there may be some outliers to this rule as in people that don’t fit... Read more
3 Ways Your Lifestyle Might Be Building Up Your Fat
Fat. It’s the one thing that’s stopping you from having the body of your dreams and if you’re trying to get on the healthy train, then you might be focused on how you can eliminate the issue from your life. When eating right and exercising enough fails to keep... Read more
4 Reasons Gardening Completes Your Life
If you live someplace cold, like winter and snow cold, then you know the value of chopping wood. It keeps you warm twice. You get fired up chopping that wood (not to mentioned it’s great for your physique) but when you burn it in the fireplace, it warms you... Read more
3 Ways to Alleviate Back Pain
One of the most common ailments facing individuals on a day to day basis is back pain. We all have struggled with it from time to time and it is never a fun time. With that in mind, here are three great ideas to try that could help get... Read more
Here Are 4 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Body Image
There is a huge difference between physical health and body image. The way that you see yourself translates directly into the way that you feel about yourself and even if you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle, you need a dose of self love in order to feel really good.... Read more
4 Habits That Can Change the Way You Look
In life, we would all love to change the way we look for the better, even by a little bit. While dressing better, working and having more confidence can help a bit, there are other habits you can adapt that will have just as big a help in changing... Read more
The Secret Fix for Your Fitness Dedication
In a recent article featured in Wired, they explore the new fitness phenomena of social fitness, calling it cult-like. Maybe. Call it what you will, but there is a growing trend of successful fitness groups which often have nothing to do with fat loss goals, joining gyms or most... Read more
Move Over Jaybird and Beats; BEO’s H5 Raises the Bar
Because we just didn’t have enough options for headphones to pump our workouts, we now have one more pair to consider. I can save you a hill of time if money is a factor. The H5’s from Bang & Olufsen are gonna set you back about $250 if you... Read more
Judge Less In Life
One nasty thing that each and every one of us does from time to time is judge others. We may judge or make predetermined notions about people for a number of different reasons. Whether it is judging someone based on what they are wearing, who they hang out with,... Read more
5 Ways You Can Take Care Of Your Teeth (Before It’s Too Late)
When was the last time that you went to the dentist? Let’s be honest here, no-one enjoys making an appointment to have their teeth prodded and poked about and if you’re like many people, you might put off the inevitable for a very long time indeed. It’s time to... Read more
3 Ways to Not Let Negative Surprises Get the Best of You
When it comes to a birthday gift or a surprise party, most of us are usually quite fond of surprises. But unfortunately, not all surprises are positive and are things we are excited for. Sometimes, life can throw us a curveball in terms of a negative surprise that we... Read more
How To Stay Fit When The Heat Hits
When the temperature picks up, the last thing you want to do is work out. During the summer months, it can be hard to approach your fitness regime with the same enthusiasm as normal and with everyone else lounging by the pool, it be might seem tempting to do... Read more
3 Benefits of Living With a Roomate
With high school and college just ending for a lot of people, there will be a lot of people looking to move out in the coming weeks and months. But the choice to move out alone, with friends, a stranger or to just stay at home can be very... Read more
5 Ways To Stick To Your Healthy Eating Plan
Making a healthy eating pledge is a little like announcing a New Year’s resolution. You start out with all of the best intentions, sure that you will stick to your goals but over time, your enthusiasm might begin to wane and eventually, you can call off the whole thing... Read more
Fight or Flight?

Fight or Flight?

Lifestyle July 25, 2024

We have all heard the old adage of “fight or flight” at one time or another. It is basically saying that when stuck in a stressful or potential harmful and dangerous situation, we are genetically hard wired to either run away from the situation or attack it head on... Read more
3 Ways Stress Could Be Affecting Your Body
Are you dealing with more stress than normal? It could be affecting your body in more ways than you had realized. Prolonged stress can lead to more than just increased levels of anxiety and over time, you can build up a number of physical symptoms that are hard to... Read more
To Find the Right Trainer Employ the Five Cs
Joining a gym with no prior experience but not hiring a trainer is the dumbest thing you can do. That is right next door to buying a car then driving it before you’ve attended driver’s education. No, your buddy who’s in pretty good shape should not be your trainer.... Read more
3 Things to do While You’re Still Young
With summer here, there are thousands of new university and high school graduates looking forward to the rest of their adult lives. These people come from all walks of life and have all different kinds of goals and aspirations in life. And while these people are adults, they shouldn’t... Read more
These 4 Foods Can Combat Your PMS
Dealing with hormonal changes is not fun and yet, it is something that half of the population might be dealing with at any time during each month. PMS can hit you out of nowhere and as well as feeling tired, groggy and down in the dumps, you can also... Read more
The Art of Self-Confidence
When it comes to self-confident people, they all have qualities that we admire. Whether it be the quiet but confident tech CEO, or the inspiring and loud inspirational speaker or even the media personality who is not afraid to say what they mean. While these are all vastly different... Read more