Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Scalp Detoxing- How To Do It (And Why You Should!)
We’ve all heard of (and have probably done a lot of) detoxes, but have you ever heard of scalp detoxing? Probably not. The purpose of scalp detoxing is to unclog the pores on your scalp (yes, your scalp has pores,) get rid of dry skin, as well as to... Read more
5 Surprising Everyday Causes of Acne
If you’ve ever experienced acne and have tried ‘literally everything’ to treat it, you may need to look at some everyday objects and activities that could be the culprit of all of your skin troubles. Cellphone  Your cellphone is the main culprit of acne (especially on the cheek area) as it... Read more
Beauty Products And Their Expirations
All good things come to an end, and that includes our favorite beauty products. In order for our products to do their job properly, there’s a timeline that they must be used before they don’t work as well as they should. Just like the foods in our fridge, the... Read more
How to Clean And Disinfect Your Makeup Tools
Cleaning your makeup tools is more important than you may think. If you’re experiencing skin problems and can’t figure out why, consider making the switch to cleaning your tools more often. A lot of common skin problems can be caused by the bacteria found in dirty makeup tools. Aside from... Read more
3 Home Remedies to Soothe a Sunburn
If you’ve ever had a sunburn, you know how painful they can be! As much as we try to avoid getting too much sun, and as much sunscreen as we apply, sometimes sunburns are inevitable. If you do end up with one of those dreaded sunburns, look to your... Read more
Three Great Beard Tips
It seems that during the last couple of years, more and more men have been proudly producing beards on their faces. Whether it is just some stubble, a regular beard or full on mountain men, guys who can grow one love to do so nowadays. With so many people... Read more
5 Tips to Achieve Long And Healthy Hair
Achieving healthy hair is a feat on it’s own, but obtaining healthy LONG hair brings about a whole other level of gratification. Here are 5 tips to achieve long and healthy hair naturally. While it may seem strange to get more frequent hair cuts when the goal is to... Read more
Face Yoga For Facelift-Level Results
Face yoga… yup, it’s a real thing. Not only is it a real thing, but it has also been said to exhibit the same effects as a face lift! Face yoga works to stimulate all of the layers of your skin allowing for proper circulation, and oxygen flow throughout your... Read more
5 Honey Based Face Masks For Healthier Skin
Honey is one of natures superfoods for both health and beauty purposes. The best part about it is that you can pick it up at your local grocery store for just a few dollars making it easily accessible to everyone! A few major benefits of consuming/applying honey is that... Read more
What Skin Type Are You? Find Out Here
Everyone is different and so is our skin type. However, there are generally 5 main categories that our skin can fit into in order to determine the best way to take care of it to have it looking it’s best. The 5 skin types you may have are normal, oily, dry,... Read more
5 Foods to Eat For Glowing and Radiant Skin
While there are millions of products on the market that claim to make your skin look as flawless as can be, the most effective way to achieve radiant skin is by eating healthy and nourishing your body from the inside out. Any healthy lifestyle changes you can make by changing... Read more
5 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight
Pimples always seem to arise (literally) at the absolute most inconvenient time (think graduation pictures, important meetings, first dates, you get the gist.) Instead of letting your blemishes take over your life for a week, nip them in the bud by trying out one of these 5 easy ways... Read more
Choosing The Right Makeup For Your Skin Tone
The world of fashion and beauty can be a crazy world to keep up with, but a way to make things a little easier for yourself is to consider choosing fashion and beauty items based on what will pair best with your skin tone. The first step is actually determining... Read more
5 Simple Ways To Improve Dark Circles
Dark circles are a gals worst nightmare, lucky for you, BodyHacks has rounded up 5 easy home remedies for lightening your dark circles fast. Check it. 1. Get lot’s of rest and drink plenty of water The number one way to get rid of dark circles is to ensure that... Read more
How to Choose Between Botox and Juvederm
If you are looking to get rid of wrinkles, the two most popular options are Botox and Juvederm. These two methods have shown remarkable success to combat wrinkles. With the advance in technology, these methods have been perfected to deliver better performance, be safer, and become more easily available.... Read more
The Best Natural Oils For Your Skin Care Needs
Natural oils are an amazing alternative to store-bought moisturizers that can contain a whole host of chemicals that could end up doing more harm than good. The great thing about these oils is that they’re less expensive than most moisturizers on the market and that they’re all natural- what... Read more
Everything You Need To Know About Color Correcting
When your skin care regime takes just a little too long to do the job of keeping your skin looking flawless, consider introducing color correcting into your daily beauty routine to temporarily fix any skin issues you may be experiencing. Color correcting may seem like new concept, but we... Read more
3 Reasons Why You Could Opt For a Bath Over a Shower
With our busy lives, most seem to elect for a quick shower as opposed to relaxing and winding down in a nice bath. It makes sense, but there are definitely some reasons why you could (and sometimes should), go for a bath instead of a shower. 1. Might Be... Read more
Three Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are things that affect a wide variety of people. The reason for the stretch marks can be anything from pregnancy to very fast weight loss or weight gain, and everything in between. And while these marks are only on the skin and don’t cause any real damage,... Read more
Three Ways To Beat Your B.O.
  If there is one thing that is almost universally hated and is a major source of embarrassment for people, it is body odor. And while it is completely normal to stink a bit after a workout or when you sweat, some people just have a naturally funky body... Read more