Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

How Should You Prepare for a Marathon?
With summer here and fall quickly approaching, now is the time of year when a lot of marathons are taking place all over the world. If you are looking to run one the first step is to take the plunge and actually sign up for one. But the next... Read more
Destress: How To Unwind When You’re On Vacation
Vacations are a time to chill out, switch off and do your body a little good. The trouble is, if you’re used to living life at 100 miles an hour, knowing how to effectively unwind can be a real struggle. It’s time to take things seriously. While you might... Read more
The History and “Boom” of Endurance Events
Back in the day, endurance events were reserved for hard core athletes who would compete in triatholons and other events. But over the past decade or so, we have seen an explosion of more “casual” endurance events that, while difficult, can be done and completed the many more individuals... Read more
4 of the Most Common Gym Injuries
We all know that injuries happen at the gym, but which are the most prevalent? By knowing which injuries are the most common, we can be extra vigilant when doing exercises that could cause those injuries. Now, of course, there are a ton of common injuries and you should... Read more
3 Things You Should Know About Amino Acids
Amino acids. You might know that you need them in your body, but are you really sure of what they can do? While getting a balanced fill of vitamins and nutrients is essential for your general wellbeing, amino acids can help a certain number of processes function at their... Read more
Battling Heat Stroke? Here’s What To Look For
Staying healthy in the summer months is all about watching your time in the sun. While afternoons spent in hot gardens and beaches can be what summer is all about, if you spend too much time in the sun’s rays, you can end up putting your health at risk.... Read more
The Gift of Muscles
The epitome of the bodybuilding world and the goal of everyone in the sport, is to be crowned Mr. Olympia. Huge names such as Ronnie Coleman and Arnold Schwarzenegger have paved the way for athletes to become superstars from this competition. And one man who has really made a... Read more
3 “Healthy” Beverages that Are Not as Healthy as You Think
The way things are marketed and sold can sometime be very misleading. These three beverages are often sold as a healthy option for a drink, but in reality they are not. Here I will mention why these beverages perceived as healthy, are really quite the opposite. 1. Diet Soda... Read more
A Look at Tim Ferriss
If you are interested in bettering your mind, body and life, Tim Ferriss is someone you should make yourself familiar with. Ferriss is an awarding winning author as well as an angel investor in some of the biggest companies out there such as Facebook, Twitter, Uber and more. His... Read more
The Beauty Boosting Power Of Exercise
If you’re on the hunt for the best beauty treatment, then exercise could be your answer. Helping your body to stay in shape for longer, exercise can help to promote a more balanced way of life which over time, will show up in the way you look. Working out... Read more
4 Great Subreddits to Master Your Body
Reddit has burst onto the scene over the past couple of years and is one of the most popular websites out there. The site is a collection of “subreddits” in which users talk about and discuss a wide variety of things from movies to music to news and much... Read more
3 Shocking Ways to Naturally Improve Testosterone
As men, we all want to add muscle mass, and the way to easiest do that is increase testosterone. Not only does it help with muscle and bone health, it can also help lower the risk of osteoporosis. However, many men do not know how to raise their testosterone... Read more
Apple Cider Vinegar: The Health Boosting Cure
Apples and health seem to go hand in hand. While eating the real thing might already be a part of your healthy routine, using them in their various guises might be even better for keeping you in shape. It might be one of the lesser known versions of the... Read more
How To Treat Your Migraine At Home
Dealing with migraines is hardly anyone idea of a good time and yet, if you suffer from them on a regular basis, it might be a part of your reality. While understanding the signs that a migraine is one the way is one of the most effective ways of... Read more
3 Things That You Didn’t Know Could Vastly Improve Your Mental Health
We all know of various ways to increase our brain health and strength. Things like learning, reading, teaching and more have been shown to improve our brainpower, but did you know there are also tons of other ways to do so? Well, here are three surprising things you can... Read more
4 Vitamins Every Woman Needs To Know
Maintaining good health is all about balance. The kinds of nutrients and vitamins that you put in your body can help to keep your fitness levels up and your chance of illness down and yet, we might not all require the same kinds of things. Your gender changes a... Read more
Forever Feeling Hungry? This Could Be Why
Getting into shape is all about eating the right kinds of things but if you’re battling a serious case of hunger, then sticking to a diet can be easier said than done. If you forever feel hungry, there might be something else at play and by trying to get... Read more
3 Ways To Make Shin Splints A Thing Of The Past
Are you a long time runner? You’re probably more than familiar with the effects of shin splints. The inflammation of muscles or tendons around the shin bones, shin splints can cause a huge amount of pain and make jogging a thing of the past. Fed up of feeling the... Read more
Be 3 Times Healthier By The Time You Finish Reading
The problem with plans for better health is they are always just plans. We have notions of the life we’d like to be living, but most of us will start tomorrow the same way we started today. The trick to making changes is to make them the moment you... Read more
These 4 Habits Could Be Causing You To Age Faster
Ageing. It’s something that happens to all of us and yet, many people do everything they can in order to avoid the process and turn back the clock. While the foods that you eat and the amount of exercise that you undertake can have a huge effect on the... Read more