Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

What’s This Now? Merged Reality? Really?
You can file this one under further proof that virtual reality is the fastest pony on the wearables horse track. It was all fine and good with players like Occulus, HTC, and Playstation, but now Intel is saddling up. Announced at Intel’s IDF keynote address, Project Alloy aims to... Read more
Yes, McDonald’s Put Fitness Trackers in Happy Meals
You read that correctly. The company that is more famous for headlines about selling pink slime as meat, is combatting their reputation with wearable technology. For the record, we’re not saying McDonald’s is all pink slime. Taste preferences aside, they serve plenty of menu items which aren’t too bad... Read more
The Future of Audio is Here: 3D Headphones
Back in the town of Wetoldyouso, Ossic 3D headphones crushed their crowdfunding goals by almost 3000%. They’ve created the world’s first 3D sound experience. It’s catered to your head, perfect for taking virtual reality to the next level. They’re not the only name in the game. 3D Sound Labs and... Read more
Whoa. Jabra’s New Hearables Track VO2Max
The wireless Jabra headphones that stay put and track heart rate just got better. Recently announced via PR Newswire, Jabra plans to upgrade their Sport Pulse headphones with the gold standard in cardio measurement: VO2Max. But that’s not all. If you’ve been paying attention, you know the wireless headphones market is no slouch. Unfortunately,... Read more
4 Bands to Make Your Dumb Watch Smarter
Surprisingly, a few companies have made runs at this solution but failed. Like the start-up Modillian, many conceived ideas that never took flight. The concept is simple, genius, in fact. People love their watches, especially family heirlooms. Some of those same people want smart technology. Not everybody loves fitness wearables.... Read more
What would you give to kick your bad habits? Smoke, eat mindlessly, pick your nose? Believe it or not, there’s a wearable for that. When we first heard about Pavlok, it screamed BodyHacks in the most shocking way. For $200 dollars, more than most even your high-end fitness trackers,... Read more
Big Promises From Dlodlo Virtual Reality Aviators
Hate to say we told you so, but the virtual reality race produced a prospective device which looks like a pair of sunglasses, sorta. The big question is, can it deliver on all the promises?   The team at Dlodlo, pronounced “dodo,” (Yep—it’s a Chinese company, give em a break.)... Read more
Apple’s Watch 2 Rumor Mill Heats Up
The best rumor in wearables right now is we can blame Apple for the slowdown in sales. If there has been a slowdown in the wearables market, somebody should tell the virtual reality folks. Just sayin’. Despite what seems to be an accelerated bad attitude in the media towards... Read more
Cupping: Real Treatment or Real Silly?
Leave to Michael Phelps to stimulate controversy. Fans will remember the press fanfare around Phelps smoking from a bong in 2008. It should come as no surprise that this year’s Olympics has the press waiting for Phelps to do something newsworthy. They found it. Pictures of Phelps’ back with... Read more
Attention Adopters! Track Everything with Wearable Ecosystems
With wearables, there are two types of people: those who are into them and those who are not. The former subdivides, but for simplicity sake, we’ll lump them into one category: adopters. Yeah, like early adopters… just less wordy. Adopters rush headfirst into technology. Expect they will be the first using ecosystems.... Read more
GOQii: Unlimited Personal Training $30 a Month
Let’s come right out with it: the GOQii (gó-kee) wearable is not going to blow your mind for design. It’s fine. It’s just nothing revolutionary; doesn’t need to be. Don’t worry if you don’t how it looks, the device is free. The cost-slash-value of the GOQii is what comes ancillary with the... Read more
Sand-sized Wearable Could Reanimate Quadriplegics
Reported in the Independent UK, a sand-sized wearable bridges wearables with the human body. Called “neural dust” by the researchers at Berkley, it is the first grain in what could be an entire beach of grain-sized technology. Basically, we’re all going to become cyborgs. Kidding aside, this technology could... Read more
Polar M600 Puts the Smack Down on Fitness Trackers
While the wearables community waits with bated breath for Apple’s next Watch (not really), Polar announced the M600. It may just define just what direction the smartwatch community needs to move if they want to compete. It might even take a divot out of Apple’s next generation of adopters.... Read more
Microsoft Hololens: The End of 2D Displays
Not yet available for the everyday Joes or Janes of the world, Microsoft is shipping developer kits for their Hololens to the earliest of adopters. It’s an exciting step in getting us closer to a mixed reality experience. Backup… what was that? Just when you thought you understood the... Read more
Rufus Cuff is Nearly the Wearable of My Dreams
The Rufus team isn’t making any excuses for the size of their wearable. They know it’s a big piece of technology on your wrist, but you may not care. Think Atlas wristband, but bigger, much bigger with more capabilities. Want to know more about Atlas? Check out 5 Artificial Intelligences Threatening Personal... Read more
Everything Old is New Again with Philips Wearables Suite
New to wearables, but not medical grade technology, Philips recently released an ecosystem of FDA approved gadgets designed to facilitate easy health data. This lineup, added to the smartwatch leaked earlier this year, is reliable and simple. It’s the kind of technology anyone can use. Where children seem to get... Read more
Carin Restores Pre-Pregnancy Bladder Control
It is, perhaps, the biggest untold story of pregnancy. Some women never recover full bladder control after childbirth. Imagine you are an otherwise healthy young woman, just starting your family, but since your first child fearful of an accident. Believe it or not, it happens. For some women, this... Read more
Ava Doubles Your Fertility Window
We’ve seen trackers for a woman’s cycle, but Ava is the first wearable designed to predict a woman’s fertility. “It should be simpler,” says the promotional video for Ava, which begs the question: isn’t it? For the uninitiated among us baby making is apparently not the easy... Read more
Did the Skully Motorcycle Helmet Just Crash and Burn?
One of the most successful wearables crowdsourcing campaigns appears to dead in the water, undelivered. The details of Skully’s story will eventually unfold, but what everyone is wondering is… Imagine you’ve  spent countless hours dreaming of a device to make your life perfect. Then a crowdsourcing campaign launches, filling your... Read more
Gloveone Will Let You Touch Virtual Reality
There’s no denying it. We’re super excited about virtual reality (VR) technology. It comes up so often at BodyHacks, “VR is cool,” is practically our refrain. It should come as no surprise that we are equally excited about the peripheral market developing around VR. It was inevitable. Our new favorite: Gloveone, by Nuerodigital... Read more