We all have a limited amount of time on this planet. Not only do we want to make the most of this time we have, we would also like to make this time last longer if at all possible. While every expert has their own tips as to how... Read more
Martial arts have long been the hobbies of a select few people around the world and now, the appeal is growing rapidly, especially in North America. And not only is the sport of MMA (mixed martial arts) and martial arts itself growing, but people are finally starting to see... Read more
No matter who you are or what your situation is in life, you experience stress at one time another. And one of the worst things about this stress is that it rears its ugly head out of nowhere and you can’t predict when it will come. There may be... Read more
Why You Should Walk Your Way To Better Health
Wellness November 25, 2023
If you’re on a health kick, then Sunday mornings might just be all about lacing up your running shoes, dusting off your workout gear and going for a brisk jog around the park. While getting up and at ‘em is a great way of getting your heart pumping and... Read more
We all are aware that working out and exercising is a key component to getting in better physical shape, but that is not all it is good for. Working out can help out your life in a number of different ways that you may not have even known, and... Read more
We all know that working out is something that will benefit us all in a very positive way, yet so few of us take the time to actually dedicate ourselves to working out regularly. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of them is simply that... Read more
Brain Busters: Why Puzzles Are Good For Your Mental Health
Wellness November 23, 2023
For so long banished to the backs of newspapers and fading magazines, crossword puzzles are slowly coming back into the limelight. Why? They might just boost your mental health. Invented more than 100 years ago, crossword puzzles are one of the most powerful ways in which to keep your... Read more
One of the newest workout crazes that has come about in recent years are kettlebells, and the praise is well deserved. These tools (which look like cannonballs with handles) are fantastic for getting a strenuous and vicious full body workout in a fraction of the time most machines would... Read more
4 Great Home Remedies for Common Ailments
Skin & HairWellness November 21, 2023
Getting sick is a fact of nature and it happens to all of us at one time or another. And while most common ailments have affordable medication to help combat them, this medicine isn’t the only way. There are tons of “at home” heals for common ailments that are... Read more
In today’s modern day and age with a ton of technology at our fingertips, staying healthy, active and keep track of it all has never been easier. There are dozens and dozens of health, fitness and nutrition apps out there. How do you select which ones to use with... Read more
After a long and cold winter, spring is well and truly in the air, bringing with it longer days, warmer nights a whole lot more sunshine. As things start to heat up, however, plants begin to come into bloom, bringing with them high quantities of pollen and allergens. Natural... Read more
On the planet, there are millions of varieties of foods in thousands of different countries, each ingredient giving us a different kind of nutrient and energy when we eat it. But superfoods? There are not so many, and that’s perhaps what makes coconut oil all the more remarkable. Packed... Read more
If you want to be fit and healthier, doing cardio is great. And while it (and every form of exercise) has a great benefit, there are just those people who can’t stand running, which is likely the most common and popular form of cardio. If that person is you,... Read more
Before, tracking your fitness level used to be done by the book, painstakingly requiring you to note down how much you consumed in a day, the amount of activity you underwent and changes in your weight and heart rate. While noting everything down was a great way of watching... Read more
One of the toughest things in day to day life is to change unhealthy and damaging habits to better ones. Everyone has their bad habits that they wish they didn’t, but few people actually make an active change in their lives to try and develop healthy and beneficial habits... Read more
Stress is one of the biggest issues of the modern generation. With steadily increasing workloads, longer office hours and rising rental prices, the majority of us have a lot on our plate to deal with and over time, we might start to experience the symptoms of acute stress and... Read more
Today, the name of the game in North America is to be healthy. We are likely more concerned about bettering our health than ever before. While this has done mostly good things, it has also branded numerous “healthy foods” that turn out to not be that good for you... Read more
While yoga has been around for what seems like forever, it has really taken off in the western world in the last decade or so. Yoga can help people with a wide variety of issues and I recommend that at least everyone give it a try, it could change... Read more
Sleep is one of the absolute most important things to make sure that your mind, brain and body are all functioning at their best. And despite how important it is to all aspects of life, many people simply don’t get enough quality sleep in their busy lives. The amount... Read more
In today’s information age, there is a ton of information about which food contains which vitamins and what is needed in a healthy diet and all that. And while most decently healthy foods out there provide us with some vitamins and nutrients, it is often not as much as... Read more