Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Another Weekend Another Slide; 5 Tricks To Avoid The Slope
You’ve had a good week so far. You hit the gym as many times as you intended. Your results are good, even though you started out Monday bloated from last weekend’s intake. Too much salt, alcohol, and food volume makes Monday feel greasy. This is how it goes. During... Read more
To Fix Your Posture Fix This 1 Muscle
The problems of the world center on one thing: bad posture. That sounds like a wild claim, I know. I can’t prove it, but if you’ve ever straightened out your posture, I mean really zipped it up, you’d agree: there’s a lot riding on good posture. Your brain is... Read more
Proof Wearable Allows You To Dictate How Drunk You’ll Get (Yeah, Right)
Not yet in stores, the Proof wearable is a wrist-worn wearable designed to help drinkers manage their drunken levels of debauchery. Like a saturation gauge you set the level of intoxication you wish to attain, then you can drink until the device tells you you’re there. Once... Read more
The Fogg Method; Just Another Fallacy About Hacking Habits?
For the record (and for the last time), there is no 21-day guarantee, where anything you do for 21 days means you’ve got a habit locked. Nothing ensures that you will maintain any behavior. Anyone who has quit an addiction or maintained a lifetime fitness habit can attest, the... Read more
Get Your Money’s Worth From Personal Training
This is gonna be the best year of your life for fitness. You’ve made up your mind. You don’t quite know what that means, but it’s gonna include hiring a professional to give you direction. Great! I’m a big fan of hiring trainers. You only get one body. Treat... Read more
12 Months in 2017; 12 Nutrition Changes In 4 Steps
If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, you know firsthand. It ain’t easy. For better or worse, habits are the aspect of our lives that allow us to process new information. Otherwise, we’d always need our brain power for everything we do. My favorite example is the light... Read more
Travel Essentials; 5 Places To Workout When There’s No Gym
During the holidays or any time of travel, finding a place to work on your fitness can prove challenging. Family and friends are no help either, especially if they don’t workout themselves. They’ll send you to the local park, where you’ll find nothing but untamed trees and grass or... Read more
This New Year Resolve To Make Change You’ll Get Behind
The big day is coming. This is the most important day of the year. No, not December 21st, 24th, 25th or 26th. Nobody in fitness cares about the solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas or Hanukkah. It’s New Year’s Eve that matters the most. Oh sure, those other holidays are great. This... Read more
The 3 Reasons You Can’t Squat Right And What To Do About Them
The golden standard of the squat is affectionately called ass-to-grass. It’s the position where your butt is closest to the ground, with your heels flat. This is a common resting position in countries across Asia and the pacific, but uncommon in the Americas, with good reason. It has nothing to... Read more
Is Your Bathroom Time A Pain In The Rear? Here’s Why
A niche subject online, the art of squatting on the toilet, is gaining attention along with other bathroom activities. Is it necessary? It stands to reason that bathroom habits should evolve. If they hadn’t, we’d still use holes in the floor. No, thank you. Could it be that we’ve been... Read more
Fighting Adversity Is What Fitness Is All About
Let’s agree, fitness is hard. There are infinitely more reasons not to exercise, starting with the fact that it’s not a natural habit. Well, maybe it is a habit for you, but it’s a habit that’s easy to drop. Exercise is work. My advocation of managing your fitness habit... Read more
This Is How You Will Avoid Holiday Weight Gain In 3 Easy Steps
You could just toss your hands in the air and go nuts all month, eating without regard, designing plans for a new you come January 1st. Your plan to lose it in the new year is not wise. The cold hard truth is that most plans to lose weight... Read more