Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Amal Graafstra; Sensible BioHacker And Leader
When Amal Graafstra first implanted a RFID chip in his hand it was to solve a problem. Since then he’s become a leader amongst grinders, an advocate for smart biohacking, but also an engineer for new technology that communicates via Bluetooth. Graafstra isn’t the person one expects a grinder... Read more
Ready Or Not $200 At Home Gene Editing Kits Put Biohacking In The Home
Since 2015, one could buy an at home DNA editing kit, but the FDA recently took issue with at-home biohackers. In January they proposed a bill that would constrain the activities of DIY genetic hackers. This is still fringe news, but you’re going to hear more and more about... Read more
Optogenetic Goggles To Restore Eyesight Could Give Us Night Vision
Recently discussed in MIT Technology Review, two companies are working on a solution to restore sight to a particular type of blindness. It called retinitis pigmentosa, a fancy word for a disease where one’s photoreceptors, the cells that receive light, degenerate over time. The work of these companies combines... Read more
This Grinder Implanted An Antenna In His Brain And Now Hears Colors
Born with a form of color-blindness, where he cannot see any color beyond the gray-scale, Neil Harbisson installed an antenna at the base his skull to help him hear colors. He not only considers himself a cyborg, he was the first person to ever make a government agree with... Read more
Harvard Medical School Is Testing Revolutionary Brain Implants
Recent testing by the Medical School at Harvard could restore vision to blind people. Instead of using more traditional computer chips made of electrodes, which fail under the creation of scar tissue, these new chips employ a more stable technology. They use magnets. It may mean a revolution in... Read more
You Have Time To Plan For The Biohacking Summit In Stockholm
If you’re still wound up from Body Hacking Con or bummed you didn’t make it, don’t freak out. There’s an even bigger event coming up in Stockholm, Sweden: The Biohacker Summit. It’s gonna be all about, you guessed it, hacking the human body. This will be the fifth event... Read more
Gameband Is The Atari Smartwatch You’ve Always Wanted
Launched recently Kickstarter, by FMTwo Game Inc., the Gameband smartwatch will bring super high-definition Atari games to your wrist. The first thing I did when I read about Gameband was I rolled my eyes. Not another specialized smartwatch! How many of these do we need? And it’s square… not... Read more
Future Prosthetics Will Detect Spinal Nerve Signals
Researchers recently tested a prosthetic arm that articulates by reading signals from the spine of the user. Despite what you may believe, this is revolutionary technology compared to today’s prosthetics. It’s easy to see the confusion. Anyone who saw The Empire Strikes Back (1980), the scene where Luke gets... Read more
True Body Hacker; Rich Lee Will Have A Vibrating… Bodypart
The world of grinders, people who modify their bodies with functional augmentations, is a growing sphere of people. We’re not talking about piercings or other forms of decorative body modification. Grinder mods have a function, even it’s to entertain. One man, Rich Lee, is about to take grinding to... Read more
Reliable Standalone Smartwatches Are Coming Very Soon
In recent news, a leaked image on Venture Beat shows the ZTE Quartz smartwatch, which rumor has it will be another standalone watch. The fact that standalone smartwatches are coming, we accept. They’re already here, but I predict they’re going to get better. By the end of 2017, they’ll be... Read more
The Tap Wearable Will Let You Type Messages Anywhere Anytime
Wireless typing systems are nothing new. From roll-up models to laser projected keyboards, we’ve been trying to get portable typing sorted out for a few years. The people at Tap may have cracked the code. Rather than carry another bulky accessory, like the ones mentioned, the Tap device wears... Read more
We’ve Hacked The Brains Of People Who Cannot Speak Or Move
In Germany, at the University of Tübingen, neurological researchers used a cap outfitted with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to communicate with patients suffering locked-in syndrome. It was the first time we’ve been able to connect with someone this locked-in, and it’s changing the way look at these patients. Locked-in... Read more
Nude Fitness; It’s Not Really A Thing Even Though It Is
If you decide to Google “Nude Fitness,” refine your search results for news hits only. It’s a drrty internet out there. I’d hate for to charred holes in your eye sockets. Otherwise, you can take my word for it. It’s a thing. It’s not a big thing (not that... Read more
Two Solid Smartwatches To Undercut Your Apple Watch Costs And Get The Job Done
Regarding smartphone size, there are two camps. Some want a smartphone big enough to screen movies for a small crowd. The other camp wishes smartphones stayed iPhone 4 sized. Cards on the table: I’m in the second camp. There may be only a handful of us. We like the functionality of the... Read more
Ripple Safety Wearable; So Tiny You Won’t Notice It Until You Need It
Launched on Kickstarter today, from Ripple Network Technologies, the Ripple wearable provides users the right help when they need at the touch of a button. At any time of day, any day of the week, Ripple can connect users to Tunstall professional monitoring team. More on them in a... Read more
You Still Have Time To Get Tickets For BodyHacking Con
Just when you think you’ve heard of every con in the book, in walks another. In case you thought I meant con, as in con-artist, no. I’m talking about the sequel to last year’s BodyHacking Convention, held in Austin. It went well enough that organizers decided to do it... Read more
Finally, We Can Smell Virtual Porn With This New Wearable
The geniuses at Camsoda have created a device which fits over the user’s nose to simulate a variety of smells, tightening the perception of virtual reality (VR), maybe. They call their device OhRoma. As if it weren’t enough that virtual reality could already bring us close to the sensations... Read more
Soon You Will Understand Sign Language Without Learning It
From Motionsavvy, a company founded by students from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf, they designed the aptly-named SignLanguageGlove to translate sign language into spoken or written words. They will blow your mind. Let me confess, wearables promise much. I’ll take some of the... Read more
In The Future Wearables Will Know You’re Sick Before You
Researchers from Stanford Medical Center recently announced the results of a study, where they compiled tons of wearable data, then shoved it through some fancy algorithms to see what they could inform wearers. The results of their work were not part of the current wearable data spectrum. It seems... Read more
Proof Wearable Allows You To Dictate How Drunk You’ll Get (Yeah, Right)
Not yet in stores, the Proof wearable is a wrist-worn wearable designed to help drinkers manage their drunken levels of debauchery. Like a saturation gauge you set the level of intoxication you wish to attain, then you can drink until the device tells you you’re there. Once... Read more