Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

The New Superfoods For A Better Body
For so long, we’ve been told about the benefits of superfoods. Great for our hearts, effective against degenerative diseases, superfoods can help to transform our health in a myriad of ways, enabling us to feel better, brighter and all round healthier. When it comes to the best of the... Read more
Effective Ways To Cure Your Heartburn
Eaten too much? Feeling that slow burn developing in your chest? You might be suffering from heartburn. Irritation of the stomach valve, the condition prevents stomach acid from staying within the organ, causing it to seep into the oesophagus and cause that familiar burning sensation. While heartburn is not... Read more
Dental Health: 4 Ways To Clean Up Your Act
Searching for that Hollywood smile? It’s all about how you treat your teeth. While taking care of your dental hygiene is all about regular trips to the dentist, there are a great deal of other ways in which you can take care of your teeth in between, keeping things... Read more
4 Effective Ways To Cure Your Hiccups
If we had our own way, hiccups would be a thing of the past, something to worry about never again. The fact of the matter, however, is that the condition is something that affects all of us from time to time and while it might only last for a... Read more
The Amazing Healing Power Of Aloe Vera
What if there were a natural product that had the ability to help you lose weight, boost your immune system, soothe digestive problems and give you great skin? Sound too good to be true? You need to try aloe vera. One of the most naturally powerful plants in the... Read more
4 Healthy Foods With Hidden Sugars
Candy, chocolate, soda: We can list the types of sugary snacks to avoid without even thinking about it and yet, it seems that we might not have all of the right information. While we might be aware of all of the bad foods that are packed with sugar, there... Read more
How Can Spicy Food Improve Your Health?
Whether you like it mild, piquant or hotter than the sun, there’s no denying the fact that we all love to chow down on spicy food from time to time. It turns out, however, that there might be more to the produce than just great flavor and when it... Read more
The Incredible Healing Powers Of Walnuts
When it comes to health foods, you would be hard pushed to find a family as filled with benefits as nuts. Packed full of healthy fatty acids, antioxidants and essential nutrients, nuts can boost your health in any number of ways and depending on the area of your well... Read more
Here Are 5 Effective Ways To Lose Body Fat
When it comes to losing weight effectively, it’s all about how much fat you can shift from your body. While getting rid of excess water and other waste buildup is a great way of lowering your weight in the short time, should you want to really boost your health... Read more
5 Amazing Ways Avocados Boost Your Health
Creamy, tasty and incredible for your health, there’s not a lot that isn’t great about the humble avocado. For so long, the green fruit has been the breakfast food of choice for many people, perfectly accompanying crusty bread and poached eggs all across the world. It turns out, however,... Read more
Eating right is all about getting the right kinds of nutrients and sometimes, it pays to take things back to basics. Paleo diets have long been making the health world rounds, celebrated for their nutrient heavy, low fat recipes and ingredients. Taking influence from the diets of our ancestors,... Read more
4 High Fiber Foods For A Healthier You
When you’re on a health kick, it’s all about what you put in your body and while you might be focused on protein, antioxidants and complex carbohydrates, fiber can often take a back seat. When it comes down to it, however, fiber is one of the most essential parts... Read more
Master Your Morning Workout In 6 Simple Steps
Getting the most out of your morning is about so much more than rising early and for many, the day cannot start without a workout. Finding the motivation in which to exercise before you even hit the office, however, is not always easy and more often than not, we... Read more
5 Ways Going Vegan Will Improve Your Health
In the world of health, few things seem to be as popular at this moment in time as veganism. Removing all animal based products from the diet and lifestyle, veganism supplies nutrients through entirely natural sources, using plants as the foundation of most meals. While following this way of... Read more
How To Get In Shape From Scratch
Everyday, we’re told how important it is to follow a healthy lifestyle and fitness regime. Regular exercise can help to prolong our life, improve our internal health and relieve feelings of tension and stress; the benefits, it seems, are too good to ignore. When you’re a novice to the... Read more
How do you like to eat your meals? Is your food a sit down affair, slowly enjoyed by the light of a few candles or, like so many others, do you grab whatever you can when you find the time, shoveling your meal into your mouth on the way... Read more
The Health Boosting Power Of Nuts
So often, we’re told that eating more nuts is good for our health and yet, it can sometimes be unclear exactly how each kind will transform our well being. Although nuts are high in both fat and calories, they can help to boost a number of internal processes and... Read more
How To Get In Shape On The Go
Do you want to get into shape? Are you, like so many others, constantly on the go, committed to your working, social and family lives? So many people struggle to match up their working and fitness goals and more often than not, it is their exercise regimes that get... Read more
5 Healthily Delicious Breakfast Recipes You Gotta Try
Check out these 5 cool ideas for a new breakfast! I seem to rotate eggs, toast and oatmeal throughout the week. Recently, I have been branching out of the norm to explore different recipes to kick start my morning. I sure have stumbled upon some keepers! 1. Raspberry Breakfast... Read more
Can Having A Pet Improve Your Health?
Welcoming a new animal into your home is very much like gaining a member of the family. While everyone has their ideal pet, there is no argument that getting any sort of species can really brighten your day and give you something to look forward to when you come... Read more