Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Forgive Yourself: Three Tips to Stop Feeling Guilty
For some individuals, forgetting the past and moving on from mistakes can be extremely difficult. Some of us can dwell on (and feel guilty) about things for long after they matter. If this is you, these three tips could help you forgive yourself and stop feeling guilty about the... Read more
The Truly Important Reasons Women Should Lift Weights
Repeat the words, “I will not get bulky,” three times, every day. Then go lift some heavy weights so they can all wonder how you did that. A quick scan of the internets, and you’ll see there are plenty of advocates for women lifting. Sadly, much of the arguments... Read more
How To Avoid Weight Gain At The Office
When it comes to the working world, many of us lead more sedentary lives than we would like. The reality of working desk-based office jobs can take its toll over time and despite your best intentions, you might find the weight beginning to slowly creep up. Staying in shape... Read more
Four Things You Should Be Doing During Your Pregnancy
I expect that going through a pregnancy is a very emotional time for everyone and couples go through their various emotional highs and lows during these times. But whether it is a good day or a bad day, there are certain things you should be making sure to do... Read more
Three Ways Social Media Can Have Negative Effects on You
The modern day is definitely the age of the internet and social media. Seemingly everybody is using the internet and social media daily. And while these things are great and can connect people all over the world, they aren’t always good. There are some real negatives that can potentially... Read more
Here’s How You Should Be Avoiding Injuries At The Gym
Hitting the gym is one of the best ways to get in shape and improve your fitness but from time to time, even the most experienced of gym goers injures themselves on equipment. Hurting yourself when you’re working out is incredibly common but it can wreak havoc with your... Read more
Become Proficient at Public Speaking With These Three Tips
When you ask people what their biggest fears are of all time are, public speaking in front of a large group is often very close to the top of that list. It is a major phobia for most people and here are three great tips that can help you... Read more
4 Essential Check Ups You Should Get Each Year
Taking care of your health is all about getting the right kind of balance in your life. As well as taking matters into your own hands and sticking to a healthy eating plan and lifestyle, it pays to check in with a medical professional from time to time in... Read more
Solve More Puzzles To Boost Your Brain’s Health
Keeping our minds in tip top form is one of the best ways that we can maintain our health as we get older. Staying sharp and alert can help in a huge number of ways and as a result, putting our brain through its paces from time to time... Read more
4 Foolproof Rules to Quit Mindless Eating
Thankfully, our minds are wired to run mostly on autopilot via our habits. Otherwise, we would constantly need to figure out electric toothbrushes, faucets, operating vehicles, getting dressed… life’s mundane moments. As our talents can also be our faults, like the super organized business leader who goes home and... Read more
Learn How to be Able to Deal With Rejection With These Three Tips
In life, we all go through different kinds of rejection. Whether it be during our career, in our relationships or anything else. These are trying times and can often lead us to become unhappy and even potentially depressed. However, there are a ton of different ways you can be... Read more
Seeing Clearly: 7 Foods To Improve Your Eyesight
How do you see the world? Your eyesight is one of the most precious assets you have, helping you to understand different signals, make sense of your environment and interact with those around you. While you might have already been blessed with perfect eyesight, there are a number of... Read more
5 Ways to Shampoo Your Hair Less Often
It’s no secret that shampoo-ing too often can damage your hair, but how do you avoid doing something that has become a part of of daily routine? Read below! 1. Don’t shampoo your hair everyday The reality is, the less often you wash your hair, the less often it... Read more
Supplements Are Not Helping You
I am uniquely qualified on this subject. As a personal trainer, working for Big Fitness, I was the king of supplement sales. Nobody beat me in this category. Despite how it sounds, it’s not something for which I’m proud. That trophy goes in the “I was young and needed... Read more
Breath Better: Here Are Three Tips to Help Clear That Stuffy Nose
With springtime officially here, people everywhere are experiencing stuffy noses from allergies and other stimuli which makes breathing and going through day to day life without sniffling and sneezing nearly impossible. Having a blocked or stuffed up nose is one of the worst feelings out there and makes you... Read more
Finally, a Wearable That Prevents Skin Cancer and Takes Selfies
Pretty soon there’s going to be a wearable for everything. I’m not saying there will be a single wearable for each facet of our lives, but one tool that does everything. Until then, you only have one more tracker to wear if you want help avoiding skin cancer. Oh sure, you could... Read more
Three Secrets to Becoming a Better Athlete
While a person’s natural ability and genetics play a huge role in whether or not they can be a legendary athlete, there are simple things you can do to be better than you were yesterday. And while these three tips may not lead you to become a pro athlete,... Read more
Scalp Detoxing- How To Do It (And Why You Should!)
We’ve all heard of (and have probably done a lot of) detoxes, but have you ever heard of scalp detoxing? Probably not. The purpose of scalp detoxing is to unclog the pores on your scalp (yes, your scalp has pores,) get rid of dry skin, as well as to... Read more
4 Arguments Why Barefoot Running Isn’t Dead Yet
The once heated debate about strike zones for running has simmered to a back burner issue, but it has not gone away. In fact, the book that started it all, Born to Run is scheduled to be a movie starring Matthew McConaughey. There was bound to be a lapse... Read more
Three Ways to Help You Gain Weight the Right Way
While the weight loss craze is in full effect right now, there are thousands and thousands of people out there who are actually trying to go the other way. Tons of people are trying to not only gain weight, but do it the right way. Of course, we could... Read more