Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

The 3 Reasons You Can’t Squat Right And What To Do About Them
The golden standard of the squat is affectionately called ass-to-grass. It’s the position where your butt is closest to the ground, with your heels flat. This is a common resting position in countries across Asia and the pacific, but uncommon in the Americas, with good reason. It has nothing to... Read more
Is Your Bathroom Time A Pain In The Rear? Here’s Why
A niche subject online, the art of squatting on the toilet, is gaining attention along with other bathroom activities. Is it necessary? It stands to reason that bathroom habits should evolve. If they hadn’t, we’d still use holes in the floor. No, thank you. Could it be that we’ve been... Read more
5 Reasons You Need To Start Your Healthy Resolutions Now
It’s December. Christmas is looming on the horizon and many of us are just starting to get in the festive spirit. With parties, meals and outings to plan, you might not even be thinking about your health routine, putting off making any changes until the new year. There’s good... Read more
These Are The Best Meditation Apps To Help You Relax
Relaxation is an incredibly important part of staying fit and healthy. Having the means in which to switch off, decompress and let go of any stress can help you to sleep at night and make the right kinds of choices in your day to day life. If you’re overloaded... Read more
Fighting Adversity Is What Fitness Is All About
Let’s agree, fitness is hard. There are infinitely more reasons not to exercise, starting with the fact that it’s not a natural habit. Well, maybe it is a habit for you, but it’s a habit that’s easy to drop. Exercise is work. My advocation of managing your fitness habit... Read more
Taking A Flight? You Need These Travel Eating Hacks
If you’re taking a flight sometime in the near future, you’re probably not alone. With the holiday season coming up, more of us than ever are jetting off into the sunset and taking a flight. With all of those airmiles to be taken, however, comes increasingly long stints in... Read more
This Is How You Will Avoid Holiday Weight Gain In 3 Easy Steps
You could just toss your hands in the air and go nuts all month, eating without regard, designing plans for a new you come January 1st. Your plan to lose it in the new year is not wise. The cold hard truth is that most plans to lose weight... Read more