Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

4 Creative Ways to Have a Healthier Office
Most working individuals spend about half of their hours awake at their job. That means that if you like to live a healthy lifestyle, you have to find ways to be healthy at work too or else you will run the risk of potentially ruining your healthy lifestyle with... Read more
Use These Essential Oils To Relieve Your Asthma Pains
Is asthma getting you down? It’s time to take a few tips from mother nature. An inflammatory disease, asthma interferes with the airways of the lungs, causing them to constrict and produce higher amounts of mucus than normal. If you’re an asthma sufferer, you’ll be well aware of the... Read more
Here Are 3 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamins
If your life runs at 100 miles an hour, it’s easy to let your health get away from you. Battling long hours, busy projects and intense meetings can mean that when you get home, convenience is the first port of call. And while convenience food has been created in... Read more
4 Interactive Ways You Can Boost Your Mental Health
If you’re not feeling at your very best, it’s going to show up on your body. Your mind and body are so strongly linked that, as soon as something starts to go wrong with one part, the other element naturally suffers as a result. On the flipside, both elements... Read more
How to Create an Environment for Success
Everyone wants to be successful in their life. But what that “success” is, varies from person to person. Some people believe that success is making a ton of money while others think it is about being happy. Whatever success is to you, we all strive and work hard to... Read more
3 Ways to Beat Your Insecurity
While there are a ton of people out there who are extremely confident in themselves, their lives and their abilities, there are also those on the other side of the spectrum. Insecurity about ourselves is something we all deal with at one time or another, but for some people,... Read more
These Food Combinations Can Help You Shed The Pounds Quicker
Want to lose more weight? It could be all about the kinds of foods that you combine. It turns out, as well as diet playing a major part in the size of your waistline, so too could the kinds of ingredients you use together and if you really want... Read more
Easy Fitness Tips For The Workout Wary
Struggling to get into the whole exercise thing? You’re probably not alone. Picking up a fitness habit for the first time can be a very daunting process and simply knowing where to begin is the biggest hurdle that you might face. The best advice is to take your time... Read more
3 Tips to Help You Quit Coffee
Coffee can be a great way to feel more alert and awake throughout the day and millions and millions of people across the world have coffee each and every day. And while coffee and caffeine are fine in moderation, there are a ton of people out there who have... Read more
Breathe Correctly for Exercise: Here’s How
Everything in human existence comes down to one basic activity; breathing. It’s the force behind everything we create. Without it, we don’t last long. We can go for weeks without eating, days without drinking, but the longest someone can hold her breath is minutes at best. No doubt, breathing... Read more
3 Ways to Alleviate Back Pain
One of the most common ailments facing individuals on a day to day basis is back pain. We all have struggled with it from time to time and it is never a fun time. With that in mind, here are three great ideas to try that could help get... Read more
4 Habits That Can Change the Way You Look
In life, we would all love to change the way we look for the better, even by a little bit. While dressing better, working and having more confidence can help a bit, there are other habits you can adapt that will have just as big a help in changing... Read more
5 Ways You Can Take Care Of Your Teeth (Before It’s Too Late)
When was the last time that you went to the dentist? Let’s be honest here, no-one enjoys making an appointment to have their teeth prodded and poked about and if you’re like many people, you might put off the inevitable for a very long time indeed. It’s time to... Read more
The Art of Self-Confidence
When it comes to self-confident people, they all have qualities that we admire. Whether it be the quiet but confident tech CEO, or the inspiring and loud inspirational speaker or even the media personality who is not afraid to say what they mean. While these are all vastly different... Read more
Can Our Bodies Be Influenced by the Weather?
Our bodies are a crazy thing and can be affected (in positive and negative ways) by a lot of our environment and surroundings in life. And one thing that you may be surprised to know actually has an influence on our bodies, mood and mind is actually the weather.... Read more
3 Secrets to a Successful and Long-Lasting Relationships
When it comes to our relationships in life, we all want them to be long, successful and prosperous for everyone involved. Unfortunately, very few relationships that we have actually work out in the long term. Here are three great tips and secrets for the best chance at a successful... Read more
How To Make The Most Out Of Your Midweek Workout
Getting into good shape is all about putting in the time. While sculpting your body won’t happen overnight, you can see significant improvement to your health and well being when you dedicate a certain amount of time per week towards getting into shape. What, then, if you lack the... Read more
4 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Circles
Didn’t get enough shut eye last night? It could be written all over your face. A lack of sleep can make itself manifest in a whole number of ways but there is one physical symptom that we all suffer from, no matter how good our complexion. Dark circles are... Read more
4 Late Night Habits That Will Keep You Wide Awake
Fed up of lying awake every night, counting sheep? It might be down to your late night habits. How you choose to spend the hours before you hit the hay can have a huge impact on your ability to fall asleep at night and if you find that, night... Read more
Why Meditation is One of the Best Things You Can Do in Your Life
While there are a ton of habits out there that you can pick up that will be beneficial in your life, perhaps none are more important or beneficial to you than meditation. Now, it is often disregarded by many as something useless that doesn’t work, but my advice is,... Read more