Because every sport needs it’s own wearable, even volleyball, golfers have their own technology corner. For a sport as highfalutin as golf, it’s no surprise that the number of wearables is endless. Simply put, golfers like gear. For what is an otherwise simple sport, golf marketers understand golfer’s need... Read more
With wearables, there are two types of people: those who are into them and those who are not. The former subdivides, but for simplicity sake, we’ll lump them into one category: adopters. Yeah, like early adopters… just less wordy. Adopters rush headfirst into technology. Expect they will be the first using ecosystems.... Read more
Still Wear Dumb Clothes? 10 Smart Clothing Articles For Dummies
Tech October 28, 2024
Whoever could have ever imagined that clothing would have to get smart? What’s next, standardized testing for your underpants? Don’t laugh. It may happen. Somewhere between the wrist-based trackers, smartwatch wars, and stickables, wearable technology nestled into clothing. In fact, you can wearables walking down every runway now, from... Read more
Let’s come right out with it: the GOQii (gó-kee) wearable is not going to blow your mind for design. It’s fine. It’s just nothing revolutionary; doesn’t need to be. Don’t worry if you don’t how it looks, the device is free. The cost-slash-value of the GOQii is what comes ancillary with the... Read more
Reported in the Independent UK, a sand-sized wearable bridges wearables with the human body. Called “neural dust” by the researchers at Berkley, it is the first grain in what could be an entire beach of grain-sized technology. Basically, we’re all going to become cyborgs. Kidding aside, this technology could... Read more
While the wearables community waits with bated breath for Apple’s next Watch (not really), Polar announced the M600. It may just define just what direction the smartwatch community needs to move if they want to compete. It might even take a divot out of Apple’s next generation of adopters.... Read more
Not yet available for the everyday Joes or Janes of the world, Microsoft is shipping developer kits for their Hololens to the earliest of adopters. It’s an exciting step in getting us closer to a mixed reality experience. Backup… what was that? Just when you thought you understood the... Read more
The Rufus team isn’t making any excuses for the size of their wearable. They know it’s a big piece of technology on your wrist, but you may not care. Think Atlas wristband, but bigger, much bigger with more capabilities. Want to know more about Atlas? Check out 5 Artificial Intelligences Threatening Personal... Read more
New to wearables, but not medical grade technology, Philips recently released an ecosystem of FDA approved gadgets designed to facilitate easy health data. This lineup, added to the smartwatch leaked earlier this year, is reliable and simple. It’s the kind of technology anyone can use. Where children seem to get... Read more
A team of educated professionals at Health Care Originals (HCO) is on a mission to make living with asthma better. In fact, they’ve recently released a powerful tool for managing attacks. They call it ADAMM, short for Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring and Management. The culmination of years of... Read more
It is, perhaps, the biggest untold story of pregnancy. Some women never recover full bladder control after childbirth. Imagine you are an otherwise healthy young woman, just starting your family, but since your first child fearful of an accident. Believe it or not, it happens. For some women, this... Read more
We’ve seen trackers for a woman’s cycle, but Ava is the first wearable designed to predict a woman’s fertility. “It should be simpler,” says the promotional video for Ava, which begs the question: isn’t it? For the uninitiated among us baby making is apparently not the easy... Read more
One of the most successful wearables crowdsourcing campaigns appears to dead in the water, undelivered. The details of Skully’s story will eventually unfold, but what everyone is wondering is… Imagine you’ve spent countless hours dreaming of a device to make your life perfect. Then a crowdsourcing campaign launches, filling your... Read more
Let’s set the record straight: pain stinks. The enlightened mind accepts that pleasure is only appreciated by contrast to pain, but forget that. Pain is a tricky son of a gun. Practitioners compare it to an iceberg, separating the visible parts from the deeper ramifications of pain. Unlike pleasure,... Read more
There’s no denying it. We’re super excited about virtual reality (VR) technology. It comes up so often at BodyHacks, “VR is cool,” is practically our refrain. It should come as no surprise that we are equally excited about the peripheral market developing around VR. It was inevitable. Our new favorite: Gloveone, by Nuerodigital... Read more
Technically, that’s not true. We won’t be melding with exoskeletons anytime soon. It may surprise you to learn just how many exoskeleton options exist out there. In fact, this isn’t even the full list. Many groups are racing to create the next generation of exoskeletons. Will we see the end... Read more
The technology we have around us is evolving and moving forward at an alarming rate, and one of the indivudlas at the forefront of what could be next is a man named Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil is an author, inventor, computer scieinst and more, but is without a doubt best... Read more
You’ve done the research, considered all the options. Many smartwatches have features you like, but you take the bad with the good. There are a couple of competitive fitness trackers, but none stand out as perfect. If only there were some way you could cobble together the best parts... Read more
For users who are a little more tech-savvy than the rest of us, the HDK 2 (Hacker Development Kit 2) may be the open source headset to buy. Virtual Reality headsets may not be the most useful wearable on the market. There are no heart rate monitors, no steps tracked, no... Read more
According to the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, ROSPA, in 2014 75% of cycling accidents occur in urban areas. This data may not be relevant to the greater cycling community, but it’s not ignorable. Not all cycling happens in cities. In fairness, many cities have stepped up their cycling game... Read more