In today’s information age, there is a ton of information about which food contains which vitamins and what is needed in a healthy diet and all that. And while most decently healthy foods out there provide us with some vitamins and nutrients, it is often not as much as... Read more
Incorporating vegetables into your diet is a must. You might find yourself cooking the same veggie dishes over and over. Try something new! (source: Pinterest) Calabacitas are easy to make and lip lickin’ good! “Zucchini maintains optimal health: As an outstanding source of manganese and vitamin C, zucchini... Read more
With every new year comes a large number of people making resolutions. And traditionally, one of the biggest New Year’s resolutions is to live and lead a healthier lifestyle. Often the hardest part of making this change is making adjustments to your diet. We all struggle with diet from... Read more
Coconut oil is proven to be good for our health and can be used in multiple ways! It contains “good fat” like the fat in superfoods such as an avocado. According to, “coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity... Read more
How to Lose Weight For Free
Diet November 7, 2023
Nothing upsets me more than some of the advertising that’s out there targeted to people that might want to lose weight. “Hey there fatty! Want to cut some excess pounds? Just pay us for these pills!” Or even worse, “Try these pills free just pay shipping! (Then we will... Read more
Ward Off Cancer With These Fighting Foods
Diet November 3, 2023
There are so many ways that we can take care of our bodies now that it can feel like we’re on top of the world, in terms of our health, at least. However, the fact that diseases like cancer can still strike us at any point in our lives... Read more
Recently, Bill Gates and Richard Branson backed a start-up called Memphis Meats. The San Francisco company, who just raised $22-million proposes they can and will be able to mass produce animal proteins in the lab. Like most biohacking, it’s now a matter of if, but more a matter of... Read more
Last month we talked about all the basics one must dial into place before embarking on a pathway to hacking the human body. You can read Hack Your Body For Better Performance Right Now For Free now if you missed it. We’ll wait here. Oh, you’re back. Great! One could sum... Read more
Search around the internets for content on transhumanism, and few names pop up as champions of the movement, Rich Lee, Kevin Warwick, Professor Starlac, and David Asprey, the founder, and CEO of the Bulletproof brand. This is gonna bump every disciple of Bulletproof, but I’m gonna come right out... Read more
For transhumanists and biohackers, the allure of pushing the human body beyond its normal abilities is tempting. These body enhancers make a go at it with backyard biotech, dietary extremes like fasting, even swallowing pills and other supplemental remedies. The metaphor that comes to mind is investments. To the... Read more
Whether you know them by their more euphemistic name, smart drugs or their super-sciencey sounding name, nootropics, they are one and the same. They’re brain enhancing drugs, but they’re not drugs, so don’t call them drugs, please. Say supplements if you must, not drugs because drugs are bad. When... Read more
Fasting Could Be Your First BioHack And Your Last
Diet October 5, 2023
A company staffed with millennials has taken a shine to fasting in recent years as means of improving the functionality many internal systems. They insist the practice as a no-cost easy way to affect change across several systems in the body. Stick around long enough and you see nutritional... Read more
You’ve had a good week so far. You hit the gym as many times as you intended. Your results are good, even though you started out Monday bloated from last weekend’s intake. Too much salt, alcohol, and food volume makes Monday feel greasy. This is how it goes. During... Read more
Five Green Foods You Could Eat That You Won’t Hate
Diet September 22, 2023
When you’re a kid, green food is the stuff you work around on your plate. Green means gross. If you still think green food is gross, but you’re an adult, don’t sweat it. Practice makes perfect. You won’t love most new foods, no matter the color, but you can... Read more
Last Year Pico Brew announced their Pico brewer, but you may have missed it amid the Hatchimal craze around the holiday. To the chagrin of beer fans everywhere, the Hatchimal does not make beer. Now that you’ve accepted that reality, perhaps it’s time to buy something more fun to... Read more
Having a sweet tooth and staying on a healthy diet might seem like two things that are directly opposed. While keeping up a balanced food intake is all about looking to the right kinds of nutrition, there are ways that you can get around your foodie cravings and get... Read more
If you’re not on the Whole30 train yet, you might be wondering what the diet’s all about. An eating plan taken up by hundreds of thousands of people, the diet consists of a month long clean eating program that gets rid of all processed and artificial food. The aim... Read more
6 Colorful Pomegranate Salads You’re Going To Love
Recipes September 6, 2023
Whipping yourself up a healthy salad is a great way to pack your meal time full of nutrition. When you’ve been eating the same green leaves for days on end, however, it’s easy to become bored of the whole thing. It’s time to broaden your foodie horizons. Salads are... Read more
These Super Simple Lunches Will Help You To Shed The Pounds
Recipes September 4, 2023
If you’re on a diet, your lunch might be the first thing to go out of the window. Skipping lunch is a whole lot more common than you might have thought but doing so on a regular basis can really start to wreak havoc with your body. Overlooking lunch... Read more
These Healthy Meals Will Keep Your Health In Check This Season
Diet August 31, 2023
The festive season is upon us and with it, comes piles and piles of food. Eating healthily at this time of year can be more difficult but by planning your approach ahead, there are ways of getting around the situation. These healthy recipes are perfect at this time of... Read more