Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

The conflict plaguing most folks’ bench press technique is balancing strength with longevity. Is it possible to lift the way you want today as well as when you’re older? Strength and longevity aren’t necessarily foes. In fact, quite the opposite. Consider this: what if your body was meant to... Read more
3 Quick and Easy At Home Workouts
Everyone wants to get a toned and great body, but it is an unfortunate reality that most people are much too busy to even go to the gym or let alone spend hours there a week. That is why a lot of people have taken to the idea of... Read more
“I want to workout. When I try to get in the habit of working out it doesn’t last. I feel like I’m constantly in a state of getting back into it.” – You To hack your body, you have to first hack your brain. The simple solution to your... Read more
People will only work towards the goal of losing weight for so long, especially if they aren’t seeing results. It’s the Sisyphus myth, pushing the stone to the apex of the mountain only to have it roll back down over and over. Push it again? Heck no. That feels... Read more
9 Wireless Headphones For Pumping Up Your Workout
If you’ve ever been the victim of cord snagging — where your headphone cord hangs on anything in the gym ripping said headphones from your ears — then you know true anguish. It’s not only physically painful, it’s distracting and sometimes embarrassing. Your gym-time doesn’t have to be like... Read more
From the darkest trenches of war, the red carpet, America’s royalty, A.K.A. celebrities clock more time maintaining an enviable physique than any other profession. How else could they grace events with such Peter Pan elasticity? The secret to staying young? Body Hacks. Yes, our site, but the namesake activity... Read more
17 Gym Fails You Want No Part Of
Gyms can be scary places for uninitiated. The prospect of muscle-bound exercisers sweating and making funny noises is the last place someone who’s never been there wants to go. Not to mention, concerns like, what if I do something dumb? come to mind. To make matters worse, pictures online... Read more
The 10 Minute Routine To Kick Start Your Morning
Waking up in the morning can be a very hard thing to do. While you might promise yourself the night before that the morning will be all about a good workout, a better breakfast and a great start to the day, actually following through with your plans can be... Read more
3 Awesome Recovery Tips for After the Gym
There is no feeling quite like going to the gym, but while it feels great doing it, it may not feel so great once you’re done. There is a good chance that if you got a good and solid workout in, you will be sore either the next day... Read more
Master Your Morning Workout In 6 Simple Steps
Getting the most out of your morning is about so much more than rising early and for many, the day cannot start without a workout. Finding the motivation in which to exercise before you even hit the office, however, is not always easy and more often than not, we... Read more
7 New Wearables That Could Change Your Life
“Google Glass will help fight the antisocial and “emasculating” habit of compulsive smartphone checking.” – Sergey Brin Sadly, for the company now called Alphabet, Google’s mad dash into wearables was not life-changing. Maybe that’s because there was no health or fitness trackers in Glass. Perhaps if Glass’ focal point were... Read more
3 Common Exercises You Shouldn’t Be Doing
Doing exercise and working out are among the best things you can do to your body, but you still have to be careful when doing this. This is because a number of exercises that people commonly include in their workouts can actually be harmful to your body. Here are... Read more
How To Get In Shape From Scratch
Everyday, we’re told how important it is to follow a healthy lifestyle and fitness regime. Regular exercise can help to prolong our life, improve our internal health and relieve feelings of tension and stress; the benefits, it seems, are too good to ignore. When you’re a novice to the... Read more
4 Ways To Lose Weight Without The Gym
Getting in shape is all about the way that you exercise. Whether you like to run, bike, or swim, there are a ton of simple ways that you can improve your general fitness and boost your health. While we might believe that working out is all about hitting the... Read more
3 Reasons Why Form Is So Important
When you are working out, there can sometimes be many distractions such as loud music, people talking to you, others working out and more. And while it is easy to focus on these things, that can take you away from focusing on what you really should be, which is... Read more
3 Shoulder Exercises To Get You Stacked
One of the most often ignored parts of the body during workouts is the shoulders. Some people think the workouts they do for their chest, back and arms will cover the shoulders, but that is simply not true. The shoulders serve various purposes in everyday life and should be... Read more
4 Surefire Chest Busting Exercises
Let’s face it, everyone has dreamed about being a super hero or action star at one time or another. I mean, have you ever seen those super heroes or action stars with the big and burly chests and incredible strength? While it may not be realistic to expect to... Read more
3 Reasons MMA Makes For A Great Workout
Martial arts have long been the hobbies of a select few people around the world and now, the appeal is growing rapidly, especially in North America. And not only is the sport of MMA (mixed martial arts) and martial arts itself growing, but people are finally starting to see... Read more
3 Extra Benefits to Working Out You May Not Know
We all are aware that working out and exercising is a key component to getting in better physical shape, but that is not all it is good for. Working out can help out your life in a number of different ways that you may not have even known, and... Read more
3 Ways to Make Working Out More Fun
We all know that working out is something that will benefit us all in a very positive way, yet so few of us take the time to actually dedicate ourselves to working out regularly. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of them is simply that... Read more