Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

4 Ways To Workout Without Even Realizing It
Do you lead a busy lifestyle? Fitting in an exercise routine around your already packed schedule can be incredibly difficult to do and over time, you might start to spend less and less time on your general health. Luckily, however, there is another way and now, you can boost... Read more
Three Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are things that affect a wide variety of people. The reason for the stretch marks can be anything from pregnancy to very fast weight loss or weight gain, and everything in between. And while these marks are only on the skin and don’t cause any real damage,... Read more
Banish Bloating, The Natural Way
Overindulging in food is something that we all do from time to time and the morning after a big feast, we can all end up feeling the consequences. Dealing with bloating and sluggishness, however,  is something that the majority of us would rather avoid and thanks to mother nature,... Read more
Three Tips to Handle Those Pesky Spring Allergies
There is perhaps no more beautiful time of the year than spring. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and everyone seems to be in a great and happy more. That is, except the people who have spring allergies. While allergies are never great, there is something about... Read more
10 Ways to Drink More Water
The benefits of drinking water are endless but if you’re anything like me, drinking your recommended 8 glasses of water a day seems completely impossible (and borderline tortuous.) With these 10 simple ideas, you’ll be on your way to becoming a real life mermaid in no time. 1. Infuse... Read more
Forever Fatigued? Check Out These Three Reasons You May Be Always Tired
In the busy lives that we all live in the modern day, we all get tired from time to time. The long hours at work and lack of sleep can really take its toll on people. However, there are also those people out there that are simply tired all... Read more
6 Reasons To Work Out Using Pilates
Getting fit is all about how you work out and depending on the type of look you want to achieve, there are a whole range of different activities that you can try. When it comes to balancing both body and mind, however, few exercises do it as well as... Read more
Three Ways To Beat Your B.O.
  If there is one thing that is almost universally hated and is a major source of embarrassment for people, it is body odor. And while it is completely normal to stink a bit after a workout or when you sweat, some people just have a naturally funky body... Read more
Three Things You Can Do To Age Gracefully
In life, we all age, there is no getting around it. However, the way we age can differ drastically from person to person. For example, one 65 year old person could be bedridden with every illness in the book while another could be running marathons. While genetics, disease and... Read more
6 Natural Ways To Cure Acne
Taking care of your skin should be one of the easiest things you can do as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle but now and then, even the fittest of us can suffer from breakouts. Dealing with acne and skin problems can really take its toll and over... Read more
3 Ways to Help a Sunburn Heal
With the weather getting better and sun shining, people are without a doubt going to want to be spending more time outside. But with more sun and less clothing due to the heat often lead to sunburns. Sunburns not only hurt but are also not very good for you... Read more
Self-Healing Bones?
There has recently been a big breakthrough in science that could have huge and long-lasting effects. Recently, scientists from the University of Michigan have developed  a polymer sphere that works by delivering a molecule to an individual’s bones and tells cells that are already at the site of the... Read more
Could Extreme Sports Be The Key For Better Health?
When we’re getting into shape, we look to the three most popular forms of exercise in order to whip our bodies into shape. While running, cycling and swimming can do amazing things for our bodies and minds, there are a whole world of activities out there to be tried,... Read more
Effective Ways To Cure Your Heartburn
Eaten too much? Feeling that slow burn developing in your chest? You might be suffering from heartburn. Irritation of the stomach valve, the condition prevents stomach acid from staying within the organ, causing it to seep into the oesophagus and cause that familiar burning sensation. While heartburn is not... Read more
3 Quick and Easy At Home Workouts
Everyone wants to get a toned and great body, but it is an unfortunate reality that most people are much too busy to even go to the gym or let alone spend hours there a week. That is why a lot of people have taken to the idea of... Read more
Dental Health: 4 Ways To Clean Up Your Act
Searching for that Hollywood smile? It’s all about how you treat your teeth. While taking care of your dental hygiene is all about regular trips to the dentist, there are a great deal of other ways in which you can take care of your teeth in between, keeping things... Read more
4 Effective Ways To Cure Your Hiccups
If we had our own way, hiccups would be a thing of the past, something to worry about never again. The fact of the matter, however, is that the condition is something that affects all of us from time to time and while it might only last for a... Read more
The Amazing Healing Power Of Aloe Vera
What if there were a natural product that had the ability to help you lose weight, boost your immune system, soothe digestive problems and give you great skin? Sound too good to be true? You need to try aloe vera. One of the most naturally powerful plants in the... Read more
Defeat Dandruff With These Three Tips
There is nothing that can ruin your day quite like seeing those little specs of white on your dark clothing. Of course, I am talking about dandruff. It is not a good look for anyone and can make anyone feel more self-conscious about their appearance. Here are three great... Read more
As If You Needed More Reasons to Drink Wine…
Wine is without a doubt one of the favorite alcoholic beverages out there. And while the overconsumption of any type of alcohol is not advised or a good idea at all, there are several benefits to drinking wine casually that can actually help you in life. Here are three.... Read more