If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, you know firsthand. It ain’t easy. For better or worse, habits are the aspect of our lives that allow us to process new information. Otherwise, we’d always need our brain power for everything we do. My favorite example is the light... Read more
During the holidays or any time of travel, finding a place to work on your fitness can prove challenging. Family and friends are no help either, especially if they don’t workout themselves. They’ll send you to the local park, where you’ll find nothing but untamed trees and grass or... Read more
Do These 5 Things Every Morning To Stay Healthy
Lifestyle September 12, 2023
Mornings are there to be made the most of. Making the start of your day really count can change everything about the day to come, helping you to get on a healthy footing before you’ve even left the house. Getting into a balanced routine first thing in the morning... Read more
If you’re not on the Whole30 train yet, you might be wondering what the diet’s all about. An eating plan taken up by hundreds of thousands of people, the diet consists of a month long clean eating program that gets rid of all processed and artificial food. The aim... Read more
The big day is coming. This is the most important day of the year. No, not December 21st, 24th, 25th or 26th. Nobody in fitness cares about the solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas or Hanukkah. It’s New Year’s Eve that matters the most. Oh sure, those other holidays are great. This... Read more
Suffering From Dry Skin? Try Complexion Boosting These Foods
Skin & Hair September 1, 2023
Winter wonderlands are all well and good but the season can really wreak havoc with your body. Sudden changes in temperature take their toll on the state of your skin and before you know it, you can find yourself suffering from a complexion that is dry, irritated and flaky.... Read more
The golden standard of the squat is affectionately called ass-to-grass. It’s the position where your butt is closest to the ground, with your heels flat. This is a common resting position in countries across Asia and the pacific, but uncommon in the Americas, with good reason. It has nothing to... Read more
A niche subject online, the art of squatting on the toilet, is gaining attention along with other bathroom activities. Is it necessary? It stands to reason that bathroom habits should evolve. If they hadn’t, we’d still use holes in the floor. No, thank you. Could it be that we’ve been... Read more
5 Reasons You Need To Start Your Healthy Resolutions Now
Lifestyle August 28, 2023
It’s December. Christmas is looming on the horizon and many of us are just starting to get in the festive spirit. With parties, meals and outings to plan, you might not even be thinking about your health routine, putting off making any changes until the new year. There’s good... Read more
These Are The Best Meditation Apps To Help You Relax
Lifestyle August 25, 2023
Relaxation is an incredibly important part of staying fit and healthy. Having the means in which to switch off, decompress and let go of any stress can help you to sleep at night and make the right kinds of choices in your day to day life. If you’re overloaded... Read more
Let’s agree, fitness is hard. There are infinitely more reasons not to exercise, starting with the fact that it’s not a natural habit. Well, maybe it is a habit for you, but it’s a habit that’s easy to drop. Exercise is work. My advocation of managing your fitness habit... Read more
Taking A Flight? You Need These Travel Eating Hacks
Lifestyle August 23, 2023
If you’re taking a flight sometime in the near future, you’re probably not alone. With the holiday season coming up, more of us than ever are jetting off into the sunset and taking a flight. With all of those airmiles to be taken, however, comes increasingly long stints in... Read more
You could just toss your hands in the air and go nuts all month, eating without regard, designing plans for a new you come January 1st. Your plan to lose it in the new year is not wise. The cold hard truth is that most plans to lose weight... Read more
How To Beat Bloating According To A GI Doctor
Wellness August 20, 2023
You might have heard of any number of ways in which to deal with your bloating, but how can you be sure that what you’re doing is actually going to work? Taking influence from a professional is the best way to get around the matter and ensure that what... Read more
In case you hadn’t noticed, butter is back in a big way if you accept everything you read online. Perhaps we should slow down before we go nuts. For years, nutritionists and doctors advised us to stay away from it because of all those saturated fats. Saturated fat was... Read more
Any fitness fanatic who can look deep into the mirror at the eyes looking back will admit it; we’ve all done silly things in the gym. We’ve all held beliefs about what we’re doing; beliefs, that in time, we learn are not fact-based. It happens. The explanation for why is lengthy... Read more
Are You Lacking In Vitamin B12? Here’s How To Know
Wellness August 14, 2023
Do you have unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath and muscle weakness? You could be seriously lacking in vitamin B12. Essential for the nervous system, vitamin B12 helps to create DNA and RNA, which are both essential building blocks for the rest of your body. Failing to get enough of... Read more
Crash diets are nothing new. Neither is the opinion that diets are bad. And yet, that doesn’t stop people from taking to drastic measures every day, cutting their calories to near-starvation levels. Despite strong logical arguments against this practice, healthy-minded adults take chance with their nutrient intake every day. There are many... Read more
Here Are 6 Natural Ways To Show Your Cold Sores The Door
Lifestyle August 10, 2023
Dealing with cold sores is one of the worst parts about the season. Once you’ve caught the virus, it’s there with you for life and while you might never rid it from your system, there are a number of ways that you can naturally treat it when it rears... Read more
So you’ve been working out like a metronome, more so than ever before in your life. At first, the results came with haste. People had nothing but compliments every time they saw you. Now the results and compliments have taken a pause. Maybe you’re thinking this is as good... Read more