Search around the internets for content on transhumanism, and few names pop up as champions of the movement, Rich Lee, Kevin Warwick, Professor Starlac, and David Asprey, the founder, and CEO of the Bulletproof brand. This is gonna bump every disciple of Bulletproof, but I’m gonna come right out... Read more
For transhumanists and biohackers, the allure of pushing the human body beyond its normal abilities is tempting. These body enhancers make a go at it with backyard biotech, dietary extremes like fasting, even swallowing pills and other supplemental remedies. The metaphor that comes to mind is investments. To the... Read more
A pillow, called the Sunrise Smart Pillow, just hit Kickstarter. The contoured smart pillow comes with 18 features designed to improve your most precious time: sleeping. Despite sounding like another in a long line of products aimed the same target demo of bad sleepers, this sort of tech better... Read more
While researchers around the globe work feverishly to hack the human body by any means necessary, a team in Newcastle, have come up with a simple solution to an old problem: how could we connect prosthetics to our brains when the brain is so complex? Forget it. Give the... Read more
Whether you know them by their more euphemistic name, smart drugs or their super-sciencey sounding name, nootropics, they are one and the same. They’re brain enhancing drugs, but they’re not drugs, so don’t call them drugs, please. Say supplements if you must, not drugs because drugs are bad. When... Read more
Remember way back at the beginning of April when Body Hacks claimed the search for the fountain of youth would drive transhumanism more than anything else? Well, it turns out we were right about the future again. Now we have a pill that’s shaving old age off of lab... Read more
If you stick around the internets long enough, you’ll read it all. Someone has a solution for everything. Most of the advice is garbage, part of the downside of easy information. Sorting through those ideas is a matter of trial and memory. I forget to use most tricks. Rather... Read more
The key to hacking your fitness is to workout in new ways, keep it fresh. If you are always learning something new, your brain and body grow commensurately. Hitting the gym day after day isn’t for everybody. If you have the chance to mix it up, your brain will... Read more
On any given Monday, you can anticipate the bench press and all the free benches occupied at the gym. Every Monday is National Chest Day (NCD). Every other day of the week you can expect as much as 50% of the same equipment is under the stress of “a... Read more
You’ve had a good week so far. You hit the gym as many times as you intended. Your results are good, even though you started out Monday bloated from last weekend’s intake. Too much salt, alcohol, and food volume makes Monday feel greasy. This is how it goes. During... Read more
The problems of the world center on one thing: bad posture. That sounds like a wild claim, I know. I can’t prove it, but if you’ve ever straightened out your posture, I mean really zipped it up, you’d agree: there’s a lot riding on good posture. Your brain is... Read more
Not yet in stores, the Proof wearable is a wrist-worn wearable designed to help drinkers manage their drunken levels of debauchery. Like a saturation gauge you set the level of intoxication you wish to attain, then you can drink until the device tells you you’re there. Once... Read more
For the record (and for the last time), there is no 21-day guarantee, where anything you do for 21 days means you’ve got a habit locked. Nothing ensures that you will maintain any behavior. Anyone who has quit an addiction or maintained a lifetime fitness habit can attest, the... Read more
This is gonna be the best year of your life for fitness. You’ve made up your mind. You don’t quite know what that means, but it’s gonna include hiring a professional to give you direction. Great! I’m a big fan of hiring trainers. You only get one body. Treat... Read more
If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, you know firsthand. It ain’t easy. For better or worse, habits are the aspect of our lives that allow us to process new information. Otherwise, we’d always need our brain power for everything we do. My favorite example is the light... Read more
During the holidays or any time of travel, finding a place to work on your fitness can prove challenging. Family and friends are no help either, especially if they don’t workout themselves. They’ll send you to the local park, where you’ll find nothing but untamed trees and grass or... Read more
Do These 5 Things Every Morning To Stay Healthy
Lifestyle September 12, 2023
Mornings are there to be made the most of. Making the start of your day really count can change everything about the day to come, helping you to get on a healthy footing before you’ve even left the house. Getting into a balanced routine first thing in the morning... Read more
If you’re not on the Whole30 train yet, you might be wondering what the diet’s all about. An eating plan taken up by hundreds of thousands of people, the diet consists of a month long clean eating program that gets rid of all processed and artificial food. The aim... Read more
The big day is coming. This is the most important day of the year. No, not December 21st, 24th, 25th or 26th. Nobody in fitness cares about the solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas or Hanukkah. It’s New Year’s Eve that matters the most. Oh sure, those other holidays are great. This... Read more
Suffering From Dry Skin? Try Complexion Boosting These Foods
Skin & Hair September 1, 2023
Winter wonderlands are all well and good but the season can really wreak havoc with your body. Sudden changes in temperature take their toll on the state of your skin and before you know it, you can find yourself suffering from a complexion that is dry, irritated and flaky.... Read more