As of September, the team behind Snore Circle, VVFLY Electronics, funded their third generation device at 615% of their goals. Now they’re in that netherworld between the crowdfunding phase and business as usual, where the devices are shipping to early adopters. We have yet to hear from those early... Read more
The VyLyV, pronounced ví-liv, wearable is a pair of compression shorts loaded with tech that may help men strengthen their pelvic floor. In case you don’t know, the pelvic floor is like a toolbox, filled with many tools. Similar to the benefits of pelvic floor strengthening exercises for women, the... Read more
The first of its kind, the LVL (level) tracker intends to keep you more hydrated. It’s a wrist-based tracker with one main goal, track your hydration. It will even remind you when you need to level up on water. As LVL demonstrated, crushing their Kickstarter goals (18x over as of... Read more
Recently demoed at the Wearables Technology Show (CES for wearables), Zikto is a new wellness wearable which will help you maintain good posture, but also manage your activities. If you want to read about more devices for your posture, check out Straight Up: 3 Wearables to Improve Your Posture... Read more
Many supplements are pills. Medication is pills. Confusion was inevitable. When we take supplements, the association is taking something intended to cure us. The psychological ramifications of those actions are beyond the scope of this blog and site. That said, it’s easy to see how we get so confused.... Read more
Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more
5 Essential Oils To Help You Deal With Asthma
Wellness January 17, 2025
Dealing with asthma is no easy task. A respiratory condition, asthma inflames and narrows the airways, making it harder for the sufferer to breathe. While symptoms and their effects might vary from person to person, asthma makes things much harder for those who have and for that reason, people... Read more
Confession up front; I am not a person who likes to have a workout buddy. I’ll workout with someone else for time to time, but find that my sessions are more efficient, more focused when I’m solo. That’s me. I am an oddity. Most folks do not relate to... Read more
5 Dental Apps You Can Really Smile About
Wellness December 31, 2024
How bright is your smile? Taking care of your teeth and mouth is one of the most important parts of your hygiene routine and something that can stand you in good stead into the future. When you’re living a busy life, however, you might overlook certain parts of your... Read more
Hormonal Imbalance: How To Spot It And What To Do
Wellness December 26, 2024
Your body is constantly changing and often, it goes about its business unnoticed, transforming itself while you go about your daily life. While most bodily changes are for the good, there are some that come about for other reasons and could be a sign that something is wrong. Hormonal... Read more
Slow Fitness: The Benefits Of Tai Chi
Wellness December 23, 2024
Fitness isn’t all about moving at 100 miles an hour. Sometimes, it is the slower activities that can do us the most good, working our bodies and minds at the same time. Take Tai Chi for example. While you might not associate the sport with a hefty workout, it... Read more
Researchers have been experimenting with virtual environments in an attempt to cure people of their fears. Afraid of speaking in public? Engage in virtual reality speaking engagements over and over, empowering you with techniques to manage your fears. Afraid of Flying? Ride in a virtual plane until it feels... Read more
Along with trying to hack your brain to start a new habit, you’re also on the lookout for a workout facility. There are so many options. Costs and features vary, so consider wisely to give yourself the best chance. Knowing where to enroll will require you know a little... Read more
Here’s Why Green Tea Should Be Your Drink Of Choice
Wellness December 7, 2024
What’s your morning poison? Starting the day with a cup of something hot and caffeinated has become such a ritual that for some, a day wouldn’t be complete without it. Are you getting the best thing for your body, though? Drinking the right kind of thing first thing can... Read more
4 Reasons To Drink Green Smoothies First Thing
Wellness December 5, 2024
When you wake up in the morning, what do you do? In the flurry of getting to work, you might gulp down a coffee, pack your bag and grab your keys, thinking of little else. Before you even realize it, you can be out of the door, on your... Read more
Supple Up: 3 Yoga Moves For The Inflexible
Wellness December 2, 2024
Yoga. If you haven’t already given into the hype, it might be on your list of things to do in the near future. Getting into the activity can have a huge number of benefits on the way you look and feel, helping you to destress, build strength and work... Read more
As reported in Gadget and Wearables, King’s Health Partners and the makers of the Buddi wearable have come together to prevent type 2 diabetes. The strange thing about this news is that Buddi is not a wearable designed for diabetics. It’s not even a fitness tracker by any definition.... Read more
4 Healthy Hacks To Cure Your Hangover
Wellness November 23, 2024
The summer season is a time to celebrate and if you’re anything like most people, that means a whole lot of partying. Summer is the perfect time in which to kick back and reward yourself for a hard year’s work and while you might normally follow a healthy lifestyle,... Read more
Under The Weather? Try Vitamin D
Wellness November 22, 2024
Feeling under the weather from time to time is a fact of life but if you’re constantly fighting a cough or cold, it might be time to take action. Frequent illnesses can be a sign that you’re not getting your fill of nutrients and vitamins and if you’re looking... Read more
The choices you are pushed to make by your environment and the people around you shape your life for years to come. People who live to be over 100 years old live happy, healthy lives by making holistic choices that encompass their mind, body, and spirit. We can learn... Read more