Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Slow Fitness: The Benefits Of Tai Chi
Fitness isn’t all about moving at 100 miles an hour. Sometimes, it is the slower activities that can do us the most good, working our bodies and minds at the same time. Take Tai Chi for example. While you might not associate the sport with a hefty workout, it... Read more
Virtual Reality Headsets Will Cure Your Fears
Researchers have been experimenting with virtual environments in an attempt to cure people of their fears. Afraid of speaking in public? Engage in virtual reality speaking engagements over and over, empowering you with techniques to manage your fears. Afraid of Flying? Ride in a virtual plane until it feels... Read more
Expert Guide: Find the Right Fitness Facility For You
Along with trying to hack your brain to start a new habit, you’re also on the lookout for a workout facility. There are so many options. Costs and features vary, so consider wisely to give yourself the best chance. Knowing where to enroll will require you know a little... Read more
Here’s Why Green Tea Should Be Your Drink Of Choice
What’s your morning poison? Starting the day with a cup of something hot and caffeinated has become such a ritual that for some, a day wouldn’t be complete without it. Are you getting the best thing for your body, though? Drinking the right kind of thing first thing can... Read more
4 Reasons To Drink Green Smoothies First Thing
When you wake up in the morning, what do you do? In the flurry of getting to work, you might gulp down a coffee, pack your bag and grab your keys, thinking of little else. Before you even realize it, you can be out of the door, on your... Read more
Supple Up: 3 Yoga Moves For The Inflexible
Yoga. If you haven’t already given into the hype, it might be on your list of things to do in the near future. Getting into the activity can have a huge number of benefits on the way you look and feel, helping you to destress, build strength and work... Read more
Prediabetic Study in UK Leverages Dementia Wearable
As reported in Gadget and Wearables, King’s Health Partners and the makers of the Buddi wearable have come together to prevent type 2 diabetes. The strange thing about this news is that Buddi is not a wearable designed for diabetics. It’s not even a fitness tracker by any definition.... Read more
4 Healthy Hacks To Cure Your Hangover
The summer season is a time to celebrate and if you’re anything like most people, that means a whole lot of partying. Summer is the perfect time in which to kick back and reward yourself for a hard year’s work and while you might normally follow a healthy lifestyle,... Read more
Under The Weather? Try Vitamin D
Feeling under the weather from time to time is a fact of life but if you’re constantly fighting a cough or cold, it might be time to take action. Frequent illnesses can be a sign that you’re not getting your fill of nutrients and vitamins and if you’re looking... Read more
22 Habits Of People Who Live the Longest
The choices you are pushed to make by your environment and the people around you shape your life for years to come. People who live to be over 100 years old live happy, healthy lives by making holistic choices that encompass their mind, body, and spirit. We can learn... Read more
How To Recover From An Intense Workout
Pushing your body a little harder than normal is a great way to get into better shape and improve your all round fitness. When you take your workout to the next level, however, you can risk feeling more sore than normal and as a result, it’s worth taking extra... Read more
How To Master Your First Pilates Class
Walking into a new class for the first time can be more than a little daunting. When you’re faced with a sea of new faces, unknown equipment and strange rules, it can seem like you’re never going to get to grips with things. All it takes is a little... Read more
Want To Destress? These Apps Will Help You To Meditate
Switching off is something that many of us endeavour to do more of but for the most part, finding the time in which to do it is the biggest struggle of all. There are, however, a great deal of tools at your fingertips; it’s simply about looking in the... Read more
Weight Gain: How To Keep Your Hormones Under Control
Gaining weight? There might be a whole load of reasons why you’re piling on the pounds, and it’s not always to do with your lifestyle. While diet and exercise do play a big part in the shape of your body, your hormones and genes can also come into play,... Read more
Your Posture Might Be Affecting Your Mental Health
How you hold your body can tell the world a great deal about your state of health. The strength of your bones and muscles can have a huge effect on the positioning of your spine and if you’re looking for a way to improve how you carry yourself, then... Read more
How To Prioritize Rest When Your Life Is Filled With Stress
In this day and age, it’s easy to feel like the world is moving at 100 miles an hour. Catching your breath when the rest of the world is on fast forward can seem like an impossible task and before long you might simply give in, get up to... Read more
Taking It Easy: Why Your Rest Days Are Really Important
Keeping up with your fitness program is one of the best ways of boosting your health. Constantly pushing your body to its limits, however, can result in fatigue and exhaustion if you’re not careful. Taking a rest day is often as good for your health as working out and... Read more
How To Keep Your Body In Prime Shape
Keeping your body in good shape for the future starts right now. The kinds of activities that you carry out in your youth can have a significant effect on the type of health that you can enjoy in later life, so don’t be afraid to start your long term... Read more
How To Make The Most Out Of Your First Yoga Class
Yoga. We’ve all heard about its benefits for the body and mind but how many of us have actually tried a class? Getting into yoga might be one of the best things that you do this year, helping you to stay calmer, build your strength and clear your mind.... Read more
Wellbeing: 5 Simple Ways To Be Happy and Healthy
Feelings of health and happiness influence each other, so why do so few of us focus on our physical well being over our psychological health? Making the most out of yourself starts from the inside out and by concentrating on how you feel within yourself, you can improve the... Read more